Fuck like champions. Perfect. My husband used the same terminology with me that he once used with this woman—the one who attempted to trap him into marriage by getting pregnant.

I’m caught off guard, my mind completely blank, so I don’t have a response for my husband’s former lover. I don’t want her to know what an impact she has had on Jack Henry’s life or how she has shaped who he became even years after they broke up. As much as I despise it, she has had a huge influence over my husband and the thought of her taking any kind of pleasure from knowing that sickens me.

What does she want? She didn’t follow me outside for no reason. “Lana. I’m aware of your prior relationship with my husband and I’m also privy to knowing why he ended things with you. He, nor I, has any interest in reminiscing about the manner in which you once fucked. I’m his wife—by choice, not force. That means he fucks me—and only me—like a champion. And he enjoys the hell out of it when he does, which is often.” I’m shaking on the inside. My upper lip may even be quivering. “Does that cover it, or do you need further discouragement?”

She looks at Jack Henry and reaches for his hand. “There’s no possible way you could be happy with her. If you’ll think about it, you’ll remember how good we were together.”


Jack Henry moves from her reach and places his arm in front of me. It’s to hold me back because he knows I could go for blood any second. “Lana, I don’t remember us ever being good together. You’re just somebody I used to know.” He reaches for my hand. “I love my wife with all my heart and we couldn’t be happier.”

“I know you, Jack. You don’t keep any woman around for long. You need variety—and I’m okay with that—but she won’t be.” She walks toward the house and calls out over her shoulder. “Emma will know how to reach me once the shine is knocked off your new bride.”

That was absolutely humiliating—being told by a woman that she used to fuck my husband—and no less than like a champion. It’s almost as if she said that knowing it would hit home with me. I want to strangle them both.

I stand motionless as reality sinks in. I married a man with many women in his past. This is the third time I’ve been humiliated by one of his previous lovers and I strongly suspect it won’t be the last. “How many times do I have to go through this?”

He puts his hands on my shoulders, maybe because he’s afraid I’ll bolt. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know she was invited. We wouldn’t have come had I known.”

I’m guessing she’s Emma’s friend if she’s at her party, so why wouldn’t he have considered her being invited? “You never told me Lana was Emma’s friend. Is that how you met her?”


I feel like I’ve been hit in the gut. Jack Henry’s connection to Lana through Emma is a huge problem for me.

“Come on. We’re going home,” he says.

Oh hell no! Tucking my tail between my legs isn’t my forte. Leaving would make me appear upset, which I am, but also weak, which I’m not, so I have no intention of giving her that pleasure. “No. It’s too early to go home. We have a new year to ring in.” I walk toward the house. “I think I’ll have another painkiller since I’m due a stronger drink.”

“L. Don’t get smashed because you’re angry at her.”

“I’m not going to get drunk because I’m angry with her. I’m going to drink way more than I should because I’m pissed off at both of you.”

“What did I do?” He tries to catch me but I make it into the house before he can grasp my arm.

I find Evan still acting as the resident bartender. “Hey, sis. Can I do you for another?”

“You certainly may, bro.”

Jack Henry walks up and watches Evan mix my drink. “Get her hammered and I’m kicking your ass.”

Evan gives him the bird and I sort of feel like doing the same thing.

He grabs my hand and leads me into Evan and Emma’s bedroom. He shuts the door and presses me against it. “Why are you mad at me, L? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

L. Hearing him say that puts a thought into my head. Laurelyn. Lana. “Oh my God. Did you call her L too?”

“What?” He looks like I’ve injured him as he steps away from me. “No, of course I didn’t. That’s my special name for you.”

He can wipe that hurt look off his face. “She used your words, McLachlan. Fuck like a champion. I can’t believe you said that to me on our honeymoon when it’s what you used to say to her.”

He shrugs and puts his hands out. “It’s a phrase that my mates and I used to say all the time. It wasn’t something special I shared with her. In fact, I don’t recall ever telling her I was going to do that to her.”

I don’t want to hear details about anything he might or might not have done with her. “Just stop.”

He rakes his hands through his hair—a telltale sign of his frustration. “You are my wife. I love you. She and I were over a long time ago. You heard me tell her that, so why are you angry with me?”

I’ve probably turned an ugly shade of green because I’m so envious of the role she has played in his life. “I’m your wife yet this other woman has molded you into the man you are.”

He cradles my face with his hands. “Dammit, Laurelyn. You make me the man I am today—the one who loves his wife and wants to be a father. When are you gonna see that you’ve undone all the damage she caused? You make me … unbroken.”

She will always be a part of him. “She made you the way you are. I can’t stand that you became a man that went from one meaningless relationship to the next because of her. It sickens me.”

He backs away from me. “Because of you, I didn’t feel broken anymore … but I can clearly see that you don’t feel the same.”

I didn’t know that’s how he felt, like he’s fixed because of me. I’m so stupid. I just told him I’m sickened by the man he is. “I’m a foolish woman. I shouldn’t have said those things. I didn’t mean them.” He places his hand on my arm to move me away from the door but I plant my feet firmly. “No.”

He doesn’t move an inch but looks me in my eyes. “Infinity.” The moment he says the word, I know I’ve messed up. Bad. He’s used our code word as a safe word. It means he’s had enough of me and needs to get away.