“It’s up to you, Mrs. McLachlan, but be forewarned that when the baby comes, there’s going to be a lot of pressure and burning.”

“I wish your mom were here. I don’t know what to do.” I wish my mum were here too.

“We can’t get an epidural placed until you’re moved and have an IV anyway, so think about it while we work on those things.”

That sounds reasonable. “Okay.”

The nurse promises to return shortly to move Laurelyn to her room. When she’s gone, I see how torn she is. “You are tough and I know you can do it without the epidural, but I hate seeing you hurt when you don’t have to.”

“It’s childbirth—a natural process women have been doing for a bazillion years without anesthesia.” I know, but those other women aren’t my wife and it kills me to see her in pain. “It’s a good kind of pain—one I think I can tolerate.”

I’m afraid it’ll come to a point where she’ll change her mind and want an epidural but there’s no going back. “Pain is pain.”

“I can do this.”

She seems so confident. “It’s your body and you’re the one who’s hurting—it’s your decision.”

Amy, the nurse we saw when the cerclage was removed, returns and L is moved to a room like the one we occupied for a week when we were in danger of losing Maggie James. She does her admission work while a second nurse starts an IV and a third sets up the room. Amy comes to the part about L’s birth plan, and L announces her decision.

“I’ve decided I’m gonna do this natural.”

I groan inwardly because I don’t want to watch my girl hurt. I hope I don’t freak out if she starts screaming. I look at the time and see that my mum is probably still three hours away. I wish I’d called her as soon as L told me she was having pain. I really need her to be here to calm me. “I’m going to step out and call my mum. She’ll want an update.”


I stop at the nurses’ desk and catch Amy’s attention. “I wanted to let you know I’m stepping to the waiting room to make a call in case you need me.”

“No problem. I’ll come out and get you if anything happens.”

I phone my mum and she’s quick to answer. “What’s going on?”

“Laurelyn’s almost seven centimeters.”

“Oh, dear. I won’t make it in time for delivery.”

I’m certain the incompetent cervix is why she’s progressing so quickly. “Her doctor warned us this could happen, but I’m worried because she’s decided to go natural.”

“Why are you worried about that?” she asks.

“I don’t want her in pain.”

I can hear my mum laughing at me. “Newsflash, Jack Henry. Childbirth hurts. I’m sure Laurelyn knew that when she made the decision to not get an epidural. She knows her body and what she can handle. She’ll be fine, son.” I won’t be convinced of that until I see a baby in her arms. “I’m sure you snuck away to make this call, so get your arse back in there with your wife since she shouldn’t be alone. I expect to be there around ten, but do call if anything happens before then.”

When I hang up with Mum, I don’t have the feeling of relief I was hoping for. I have no one I can talk to … except maybe my brother. He’s been in my shoes and done this three times, so I dial his number. It’s early but he should be awake.

It takes several rings before he answers. “What!”

What an impolite dick my brother can be. “What the fuck, Evan? Why you being so damn rude?”

“Because you just interrupted my morning lay.” Okay. I’ll let him off the hook this time. “Em made me stop to answer the phone because she wants to know if you’re calling to tell us Laurelyn’s in labor.”

“She is, but I need to talk to about something.”

I hear him growl. “What’s going on?”

“She’s not getting an epidural and I’m sort of freaking out about seeing her in pain.”

“For fuck’s sake, she’s giving birth. It’s going to hurt. Em didn’t have epidurals with the last two and she was fine, so quit your whining, puss, and get back in the room with your wife. She shouldn’t be by herself, dipshit. Don’t you know anything?”

Apparently not, but he’s right. I’ve left my wife alone while I’m out here making phone calls to get myself some assurance when she’s the one in need of comforting. “You’re right.”

L is breathing harder when I return to the room. “They checked me and said I was almost nine centimeters so this baby is coming super fast. They said I’ll probably be ready to push soon.”

“Then maybe we should consider naming her Maggie Swift instead.”

“The moment is almost here. We’re about to meet our son or daughter. I’m so glad we didn’t find out. Thank you for being persistent about that.” She reaches for my hand and squeezes, her teeth clenched. I watch the monitor as the line representing the contraction rises. “Ohh … this one hurts really bad, McLachlan! I can feel it all the way down … in my butt!”

That doesn’t sound good. “What does that mean?”

“Baby’s moving down.” She rolls to hold the railing so I can’t see her face. “Oh, shit! Call Amy. Feels like I … need to push.”

She grunts as I reach over to hit the call button. “May I help you?”

“Laurelyn says she feels like she needs to push.”

Amy comes into the room and gloves up for her exam. “I bet you’re ready if you’re feeling the urge.” Her hand slips under the covers and Laurelyn squeezes her eyes tightly. “Boy, that was fast. She’s ten, so it’s time to start pushing. I’ll let Dr. Sommersby know because the head is low. I don’t think it’ll take long at all so she won’t want to be far away, especially since you’re going natural. Once you crown the baby’s head, it’s nearly impossible to stop.”

Oh fuck. The heaviness of the reality hits me—I’m about to become a father. I bring her hand to my lips for a kiss. “You’re about to do this.” Naturally.

Amy gets L in position. “Okay, Laurelyn. You remember all this from Addison’s delivery?”

“Sort of …”

“You’re going to push three times with each contraction. You’ll get a deep breath and blow it out, then a second one you’ll hold as you bear down in your bottom. Put your hands behind your thighs and pull back and apart as far as you can.”