“Mmm-hmm … just a little bit.”

“A massage is the least I can do since it’s my fault you’re sore.”

I lift my head from the pillow and peer over my shoulder at him. “I didn’t say I was sore.”

“You didn’t but your body speaks to me in other ways.”

Funny, I didn’t hear it say a thing. “How so?”

“It wasn’t your usual fuck-me-harder moan I heard when I pushed your legs back.” He leans down to kiss the side of my neck. “Your legs were guarded so I knew you were probably feeling the aftermath of our pole excursion.” He kisses the side of my face. “I’m sure it’s worse today so we’re taking a break from sex so you can recuperate.”

I recall how gentle and loving Jack Henry was last night while we christened our honeymoon bed. His whole demeanor was different, but he was that way before, possibly discerning how sore I was. “Is that why you were so gentle with me?”


“What’s the other reason?”

“I wanted to make love to you.” He presses his nose against my hair and inhales deeply. “I’m boorish with you too often. I should be gentler.”

I roll, forcing him to move from my back. “Listen up, McLachlan.” He moves to his side and we’re face to face. “I love your gentle side but I’m not a porcelain doll. I love it when you fuck me hard.” I grab his chin and give it a squeeze. “Sometimes I need you to be a caveman. I crave it. Understand?”

He nods in agreement. “Yes, ma’am.”

“This is our honeymoon so there will be no breaks from sex. Got it?”

“No argument here.”

“Good.” I push him to his back and straddle him. I place my palms against his chest and rub his pectorals. “Life is so much easier when you see things my way.”

He licks his lips while reaching to palm my breasts. “You’re always very convincing, Mrs. McLachlan. I’m afraid I’ll never stand a chance with you.”

I lean down so we’re face to face again. “I’m afraid you’re right.” I suck his bottom lip into my mouth but let it go when his phone rings. It’s Margaret.

“Shit. I haven’t called Mum since we arrived. She’s going to rip me a new one.”

“No, she isn’t. I’ve got this.” I take his phone from the nightstand. “Good mornin’, Margaret.”

“Hello, darling. I’m sorry to call but my inconsiderate son hasn’t seen fit to phone his mum to let her know all is well.”

“I’m so sorry, Margaret. I’m afraid that’s all my fault.” I wink at Jack Henry. “I’ve been keeping him pretty busy.” I’m still straddling him so I move my hips against him.

“It’s okay. I totally understand but I needed to check in to make sure you were both all right.”

He rises and puts his mouth on one of my breasts, sucking my nipple into his mouth. “We’re having a great time. I love the house.”

“I knew you would.”

He moves to my other breast, rolling his tongue around the tip of its rosy pebble. “I can’t believe he bought it for me.”

“I can. He loves you so much, Laurelyn.”

I look at the top of his dark head and run my fingers through his hair. “I know, and I love him.”

“I know you do, honey. Any idea when you’ll be returning?”

I remember him telling me we were here as long as we liked. I’ve been having so much fun, it hasn’t crossed my mind to ask when we’ll go home. I guess it’s something we should discuss soon since Christmas is just around the corner.

“Just a minute, Margaret.” I press mute. “She wants to know when we’re coming home.”

He takes a piece of my hair between his fingers and playfully twirls it. “Tell her we’ll discuss it and let her know.”

I unmute the phone. “We haven’t decided yet but we’ll let you know after we talk it over.”

“Okay … as long as you’re back in time for Christmas. I know Jack Henry and how he thinks. I won’t have my new daughter spend her first McLachlan holiday away from the family.”

“I’ll tell him you said so.”

Jack Henry’s interest is piqued. He mouths, “Tell me what?”

I wave him off. “I’m sorry, Margaret. Jack Henry was distracting me. What was that?”

“I said I’ll let you go so you can go back to keeping your husband busy.”

I feel heat in my face. I’m certain I’m blushing at my mother-in-law’s reference. Nookie. She strongly encourages it. First, because she wanted me to snag Jack Henry as a husband and now because she probably wants me pregnant. She as good as said so at our wedding.

“All right. We’ll talk soon.”

“Have a wonderful time, darling. I love you and tell Jack Henry I love him.”

I tear up after I hear my mother-in-law tell me she loves me. She accepted me so easily. Her arms have been opened in my direction from the moment we met—something my own father couldn’t even do for me. “I will. We love you too.”

I lean over to place the phone on the nightstand and then return to sitting astride Jack Henry. “She says to tell you she loves you.”

“I owe you, sweet cheeks.” He lifts my hand to his lips for a kiss. “I’m certain you just saved me from a Margaret-style arse kicking.”

“We’re husband and wife. That means we protect one another.”

“I don’t know what I did before you.”

His words spark a reminder of what he did before me and a peculiar look comes over his face. We both know why, so I push it out of my mind and attempt a change of subject. “What day do you have in mind for going back?”

“I was thinking we might stay a couple of weeks.”

I don’t have to do the math in my head to realize that means staying here through the holidays. “And miss Christmas with your family?” Our family.

“I think it would be nice to spend our first Christmas as husband and wife here. I’ll go out and get us a tree. We can decorate it together—anyway you want.”

My heart plummets.

“What is it?”

I place my finger on his chest and before I know it, I’m tracing the infinity symbol. “This is my first chance at a normal Christmas with family. It’s something I’ve never had before. I guess I was excited about it, but we can stay here. Spending the holidays with just you and me will be special.”