Page 85 of Ruthless Promise

Openly, she studied his perfect profile. His attention was on the highway that led to the airport, but when he swung his gaze to her, the corners of his eyes creased with a smile.

Seeing her twisted fingers in her lap, he covered them with his big, warm hand. “Nothing to be nervous about, baby. I told you, my friend we’re picking up is one of the best. And he knew Forest too.”

She let a sigh trickle out. “I’m more nervous about seeing my sister after all this time. Then after we settle Ivy and your friend at the ranch, we have to go out and find all the things Daddy needs to come home.”

He squeezed her hand. “We will find everything on the list the home nurses gave you. It’s going to be all right.”

Her mind bounced all over the place. Between being attacked, the murder of her horse—and the fact that the guys had all been keeping it from her—plus her dad and sister, she was scattered to what felt like all four corners of the ranch.

“I need a distraction. Tell me about this friend of yours again.”

Colton shot her a glance and thumbed the brim of his hat lower, an action she felt was totally manly and distracting in a different way. “His name is Hunter Hart. They call him Sharps.”

When he told her this the first time, a shiver ran down her spine. Hearing the nickname had the same impact on her now. She could only guess at what a Navy SEAL, a friend of Colton and Forest, would have to have done to earn that moniker.

“And you say he was injured in combat?”

He ducked his head in a nod. “He’s been in the hospital in Germany for the last nine months. I never would have thought of asking him to come here. I lost touch with him, and things got complicated.” He tossed her a glance that spoke volumes. “But luckily, my friend at WEST Protection has a lot of connections to former military. He headhunts them for his security team.”

She took this all in, questioning how she’d gone from a peaceful country life to a crime show.

“I’m glad you’ll have a friend on the ranch. Though I know you and Zach have smoothed out things between you.”

He nodded, face pensive. “I only have a problem with him if he makes a move on you. But he seems to have come to terms with the fact that you’re mine.” He pivoted his head and pierced her in his dark, dark gaze.

The familiar tingle of awareness spread though her core, the memory of his hand on her ass in this very truck fueling a fire she couldn’t wait for him to put out.

She squirmed in her seat. “Step on it, Colton. We don’t want to be late picking up Ivy and Hunter.”

A grin stretched across his handsome face. Though they had a lot of worries hanging over their heads, she was so happy with her newfound love and couldn’t wait to wake up every morning to Colton next to her.

When they reached the airport, she gripped the posters she’d made. Colton teased her that she didn’t really need signs to direct the passengers they were picking up. After all, Ivy was her sister and he could pick Hunter out of any crowd.

But she only told him that she needed something to pass the time waiting, and it gave her a creative outlet.

In the airport, they headed straight to the gate where they’d pick up both passengers. Meadow passed Colton the sign with Hunter’s name on it, and he slipped an arm around her, anchoring her against his side.

“It’s crazy that they both flew out of Germany. Especially since I thought Ivy was in the South of France.” There seemed to be a lot that her sister hadn’t told her—yet. But Meadow planned to get every tidbit out of her.

“It was a good coincidence. One that helps us out. I don’t like being away from the ranch very long.” His expression darkened.

She ran a hand over his forearm to soothe him. “We’ve got more help now. Hunter will—oh! There’s Ivy!” She held up the sign, bouncing up and down on her toes as she spotted the long, blonde head of hair among the crowd.

As she waved at her sister, Colton let out a grunt. “She looks so much like you. And damn, Hunter’s right behind her.”

Ivy rushed forward, a duffel bag slapping her hip. The worry between her brows smoothed out as Meadow hurried to greet her with an enormous hug.

The feel of her sibling in her arms brought tears to Meadow’s eyes. When they pulled apart, Ivy’s green eyes bore some too.

“It’s soooo good to see you! I missed you so much.” Meadow hurled her arms around her sister again, smashing the sign in the process.

Suddenly, Ivy stiffened. Meadow drew away to see her sister staring at Colton, who was thumping a tall, muscled, hot guy on the back.

“Who is that?” Ivy’s tone held a note of contempt.

“That’s Colton—Forest’s friend. You remember?”

She blinked several times as more moisture hit her eyes and nodded.