Page 79 of Ruthless Promise

“I don’t want to leave Meadow alone on the ranch. Those days are over. It’s not safe.”

“I’ll stay.”

Colton arched a brow in challenge. “I’ll ask Dude.”

Webb glared at him for a long moment before turning and walking off to his room.

When Dude emerged from the bathroom, his hair slicked back with water, Colton waved him over. “I’ve got a favor to ask.”


“I need you to stay on the ranch and watch over Meadow.”

Dude cocked his head. “You trust me with your woman?”

“Yes.” He was a good judge of character. Dude had the loyalty and heart of a warrior. He would give up his life for one of the Graceys or the other ranch workers.

Dude ducked his head in a nod. “I’ll stay.”

“Just watch that she doesn’t leave the house. Keep your eyes peeled for anything strange.”

“Got it, boss.”

Webb and another guy were moving through the main room. They stopped at Dude’s words to Colton.

The ranch hand glanced around. “What? If he marries Meadow, he is the boss.”

Neither guy said a word, and Colton didn’t have anything to add or subtract. The topic both scared the hell out of him and sent his heart soaring.

He was in love with Meadow. Couldn’t see himself living without her by his side. But he’d never envisioned himself as the marrying kind.

In his small, cramped space, he located a clean set of clothes. Leaving Meadow at all didn’t sit well with him. Not with an unhinged person targeting the Graceys. But he was truthful with Dude when he told him he trusted him. And Colton would have a much better chance at wheedling information from people at the bar.

The only person who knew something was off on the ranch, was dead. Forest couldn’t help him now. And he suspected that the reason for Sean Gracey’s heart attack was in his son’s letter.

Though Meadow’s dad was improving by the day, he still wasn’t out of the woods. Last he heard from Meadow, the man was getting off the ventilator in the next day or two. After that, he should be able to speak.

What Colton had to ask him wouldn’t be good for his heart. He wasn’t going to be responsible for another death in the family, so he’d have to wait. It could be a while before Gracey could tell him anything.

After stripping off his clothes, dirty from the day’s chores, he paused, thinking of all the things that could go wrong tonight. His military training would take him far, but he suddenly wished he’d gotten a chance to train with Ross and the WEST Protection crew. They were at the top of their game. The SEALs of the security world.

Once he was dressed, his hat in place, he strode out to find the others waiting on him. With a nod for Dude, he followed the others to the truck. Webb jumped behind the wheel, and Colton took shotgun.

On the way down the long driveway, he watched the lights of the ranch house dim to pinpricks in the side mirror.

“We need more workers on the ranch. We’re spread too thin.”

Webb swung his head to look at him. “That’s easier said than done. Don’t you think I’ve tried to hire more people? Workers are scarce. They either don’t want to work at all or they already have a place on one of the neighboring ranches.”

He compressed his lips. “What I know from serving my country is that the more guys you have on your six, the better.”

“I’ll argue with you about a lot of things, Nox, but we’re in agreement on that point. I’ll put out the word that we’re looking for more guys on the Gracey, but I can’t make any guarantees.”

“I might know someone who can help.” Again, his mind went to Ross. If he could send him a guy or two, Colton would feel a lot better.

With his mind so preoccupied, they were at Badlands before Colton knew it. The place was hopping again, the parking lot packed full. A few drivers had even created their own parking spots in odd places, which reminded him of Meadow.

The little things that surprised him about her, made him fall in love with her. In the weeks since his arrival, he’d watched some of her light dim, though. It hurt him to witness. Hurt him even more that he couldn’t make things better.