This is it. The moment of truth.
Blaze Pyrin joins Yossul and Fadai outside my cell while the black guard takes a step back. I freeze in my corner, ice filling my veins as I hold my breath. Lieutenant Pyrin is Shaytan Hull’s right-hand man, his closest friend and advisor. He and I have had a few run-ins over the years, though we’ve never been this close. To say that I’m genuinely terrified would be an understatement.
He stares at me in heavy silence for the longest of minutes as tension fills the entire underground level. The black guards remain quiet, as do Yossul and Fadai—though the bulk in their shoulders tells me they’re ready to draw their weapons and fight their way out of here if they have to.
Blaze Pyrin is in his mid-thirties and on the handsome side, with rich black hair and slim, swirling horns dressed in shimmering black threads. He wears the Sky Tribe colors on his short tunic of black and blue leather with matching pants and knee-high boots. His tail twitches anxiously behind him as he narrows his red eyes at me.
“Don’t you look like a scrumptious dessert,” he mutters, a grin stretching across his thin lips.
I’d like nothing more than to set that goatee of his on fire. “And you look like something the hounds dragged in,” I reply dryly.
Blaze laughs harshly, then shifts his focus to Yossul and Fadai. “Lieutenants Hass and Kiel, I’m told?” he asks, and the Kreek brothers nod slowly. “You look familiar. I guess I’ve seen you both at the barracks in Ruby City at one point or another.”
“We’ve even fought together,” Yossul says. “It was an honor to serve by your side, sir.”
“Oh, spare me the flattery. Why haven’t you checked in with your commanding officer?” Blaze replies, a frown pulling his brows together.
“We didn’t have time, sir, and we couldn’t risk detection on any of the comms lines,” Yossul says. “We don’t want the Fire Tribe to know we captured their Kreek whore alive. They might come looking for her like they did in the past for the others, and we didn’t want to risk any tails into Pearl City. Not with the starship here.”
Blaze nods in agreement. “Well thought. I’ll make a note in your files for your appraisal. You’ve earned it.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“What will happen to her?” Fadai asks, his voice low and cold.
“Oh, General Hull and I will claim her as our own,” Blaze says. “Since we’ll be bringing more women over from Earth, Jewel won’t be needed in the breeding centers. We’ll make a family of our own.”
“Sir?” Yossul manages, his eyes bulging with shock. “The Kreek whore is not worth such an honor.”
“But she is. She’s been a worthy adversary, to say the least,” Blaze shoots back, half-smiling as he glances my way. “Beautiful, fierce, resourceful. Yes, the damages we incurred on her account are horrific, but damn, I want my kids to have her spunk and resilience. They’ll be the greatest warriors Sunna has ever seen.”
I don’t know whether to puke or simply breathe a sigh of relief. Blaze hasn’t recognized Yossul and Fadai as the Kreek brothers—not yet, anyway. That should take some of the edge off, but the thought of ending up as his and Shaytan’s wife is a whole new level of nightmare for me.
There’s no way I’m spending any more time in this place than I’m supposed to. One way or another, I will get out.
The problem is that, with Blaze and Shaytan in the house, springing me out of jail will be infinitely more dangerous than we originally theorized. And keeping Yossul and Fadai in Pearl City undercover will be even more difficult, especially if Shaytan recognizes them.
“When is the general due to return?” Fadai asks Blaze.
“Later tonight. Where will you two be staying?”
“The Blackwood Inn, sir,” the black guard politely interjects. “I took the liberty of making that decision as soon as I saw the Kreek whore in their possession. They’ve earned such a treat, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Absolutely,” Blaze replies. “Tell you what, fellas,” he adds, looking at Yossul and Fadai with a broad smile. “The general and I will gladly buy you a hefty dinner tomorrow night, as well. By then, Jewel will be accommodated in our private chambers. We’ll eat and drink with you, and then we’ll put a baby in that stubborn belly of hers. That’ll teach her to mess with the Sky Tribe, don’t you agree?”
“Yes, sir,” Fadai chuckles softly.
But the uneasiness is clearly imprinted on his features. Yossul is quietly seething in his Sky Tribe uniform; hands balled tightly at his sides. They can’t do anything right now. They have no choice but to keep playing their parts. They’ll let the black guards escort them to the Blackwood Inn. They’ll regroup there, and then they’ll come back to get me.
If Blaze’s statement holds true, I’ll be taken out of this cell and moved to his and Shaytan’s Pearl City residence before tomorrow evening, so our time frame has gotten tighter and way more uncomfortable than I’d hoped.
For a moment, I’m tempted to lose hope and expect the worst.
I didn’t come here to lose, though.
Regardless of Blaze’s proud grin, regardless of Shaytan's proximity, I cannot let these bastards destroy my resolve—not before I destroy their precious starship.