“Hey,” I smile, waving back. “Long time no see.”
Georgia jumps off the bar stool to give me a hug, then waves to Travis, who’s trailing along behind me. “Oh my God, tell me those boots are new.”
I smile, sticking one foot out so they can have a better look. “I thought the occasion called for it.”
She claps her hands together. “And I see you brought the sheriff with you?”
“Someone’s gotta keep the peace around here,” he chuckles from behind. “And I’m not quite in the sheriff’s shoes just yet.”
“Don’t be modest now,” Georgia says, making no bones about giving him a welcoming hug, too. “I know I don’t know you formally, but from Gabe’s stories about you two as thick as thieves when you were kids, I feel like I know you.”
Travis laughs just as the big dude turns around and a wide grin spreads across his face as he looks at him. “Well, if it isn’t the prodigal son, returned to the fold at last.” He gives Trav a big hug and a slap on the back.
Trav laughs. “Good to see you, Hudson.”
Ah, so this is the famous Hudson. Gray’s best friend and the guy Georgia never stops talking about but isn’t crushing on…
“This is Hudson,” Georgia explains. “Huds, this is Travis’ little sister, Skye.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says, stretching out his hand. He has a nice smile and what I’d call an intense look; like he takes no crap from anyone. I remember the girls saying he used to be a bull rider, and I can totally see that. He has a scar over one eyebrow to prove it.
“Nice to meet you, too.” We shake hands. His hand is giant and heavily calloused, like he’s worked hard his whole life.
“Skye is Gabe’s new nanny,” Georgia adds.
“Temporary nanny,” I interject with a smile.
“Well, that ought to put Gabe in a better mood, at least for a while.” The big guy chuckles.
I can see why Georgia has a thing; he’s big, brawny and has kind eyes that crinkle when he smiles.
Are all the guys in this town super hot?
I can’t wait to get her alone to discuss this phenomenon and find out why she hasn’t made a move. I know he’s Gray’s best friend, but still. Ding-dong.
“One can only hope,” Celeste giggles next to me. “Hey, what’s your poison?” she asks, dangling her glass of wine in the air.
“Do they do cocktails?” I ask, and everyone bursts out laughing. Uh, okaaay. I laugh too, because as I glance around, I realize that this is a country bar that serves beer and bourbon. Surely a sparkling wine wouldn’t be too out of the question? “If they have sweet sparkling wine, that would be great.”
“Coming right up!” Celeste waves me away when I pull some cash out of my wallet. “I’ll get this round. What can I get for the new sheriff in town? I’m Celeste, by the way. I don’t think we officially met. I’m Callan’s fiancé.” She waves her hand around in the air excitedly, showing off her ring.
“It’s good to officially meet you, Celeste. Congratulations on the engagement. And just a beer would be great, honey.”
Celeste grabs the bartender’s attention to order the drinks.
“Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but my posse is over the other side of the bar, ladies.” Hudson tips his cowboy hat and I distinctly see Georgia’s eyelashes flutter just a little.
Who the hell is she even kidding that she doesn’t have a thing for him?
The bartender pours our drinks and slides them over.
“I’m sure you’d have fun with the ladies, Trav,” Hudson goes on. “But if you wanna come hang with us, I’ll introduce you to the guys.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Trav says. “Catch y’all later.”
“Yes, we need some girl time.” Georgia waves them off like she’s shooing chicken.
It’s too dark to get a good look at who ‘the guys’ are, but I can guess who one of them is.