I climb out of the car and take a walk over the walkway; it has a cute, little bridge that leads to their famous tasting room. I’m not exactly sure where I’m supposed to be, but I guess there’s no better way to find out.
Being only ten, there are no customers around yet, but I do see Georgia-Blue behind the counter talking to one of the staff.
Everything is extremely earthy in the tasting room, and so elegantly styled, with rustic touches everywhere. It smells of fresh oak and linseed oil. Like someone has been polishing the long, wooden counter that runs the length of the room.
Georgia looks up upon hearing the clickety clack of my heels on the floor. She’s wearing wide-rimmed reading glasses; her makeup as flawless as ever.
“Skye!” She squeals as I approach.
“Hey!” I smile back as she comes from behind the counter to greet me.
“Good to see you again.”
“You too.”
“You’re here to see Gabe, I assume?”
“You guessed it.”
“I hope you don’t mind. I’m the one who gave him your number,” she says. “I think I forgot to mention that the other day. In case you were wondering how he knew you were looking for work.”
“I figured as much,” I chuckle. “Gran said you were trying to track me down to pass on my details. It’s totally fine.”
She links her arm in mine like we’re old chums, in no rush to show me where I’m supposed to be. I can’t say for sure, but I think Georgia-Blue Bassett could be the queen of meddling.
“Look, let me give you a couple of words of advice,” she says quietly as we stand at the edge of the counter.
My interest is obviously piqued as she lowers her voice once more. “Gabe can be a little serious for his own good sometimes. His job as CEO means he’s always wearing so many hats and juggling too many balls. He can make you want to scream like you’re having a body wax, but just don’t run away too soon, will you, Skye?” She gives me mock serious eyes, but there’s still a gleam behind them.
“I’ll take all of that on board,” I say, trying to keep a straight face.
“He’s seriously in a jam right now, no matter what he says. Geraldine is going on her trip soon, and he’s been procrastinating, hoping she will renege on retiring. But now Hank has given his notice and Travis is here to take over. The ship is about to set sail.
My brother is set in his ways. Just don’t take anything to heart, okay?”
Uh, oh. This sounds bad.
“Okay,” I sputter. “Thanks for the heads up. Trinity seems adorable, by the way. I met her at the Bake’ n’ Shake, well, her and Bunnykins.”
“She is so cute!” Georgia smiles. “I gave her that bunny. I wear the badge of favorite aunt with pride, even if I’m the only aunt, technically.”
“I can tell she’s an adored child. You’re a great family. My gram talks about you all the time and how much the business has grown over the years.”
“It’s crazy, but I love it. I can’t imagine doing anything else.” She claps her hands together. “Well, best not keep the old boy waiting. Come with me. I’ll show you Gabe’s office.”
“Great,” I say, following her. “Oh, before I forget, I was thinking of going out on Friday night to Moose’s if you and Celeste wanted to go? I don’t really know anyone here and though I love my grandparents, spending another night watching Jeopardy on the TV might just send me over the edge.”
Georgia chuckles. “That sounds awesome, I’m in!”
I smile. “Great. Well, since you have my number, let me know what time.”
“I’ll get a couple of the girls together and we’ll make a night out of it. Moose’s has the best food and margaritas.”
She pushes the door open that leads to the back. “Between us girls, if my brother doesn’t hire you, he’s going to get my foot up his… Oh, hi Gabe…”
All of a sudden, Gabriel Bassett comes charging through the door, looking like a man on a mission. Very much the CEO, he’s wearing a charcoal suit with a black shirt and a multicolored tie. My lips quirk as I glance from the tie up to his very prominent blue eyes. He tilts his head, staring at me for a moment.