Page 17 of Gabriel & Skye

Then Mom, Dad and Travis would come over and we’d have a family feast.

Gran isn’t just great at baking sweets and desserts, she’s great at savory, too. In fact, anything she makes is amazing.

“Do you think the Bassett’s are going to bring bourbon to the bake sale?” I chuckle to Gran as she sets about making us all some afternoon tea. We can’t deprive the boys all afternoon. Laying some of the moon pies on a plate for Grandpa and Travis, it’ll shut them up for five minutes. We need them compliable for tomorrow, as we need them to set up the gazebo and trestle table.

Gran’s shoulders shake with laughter. “I sure hope not!”

I laugh, too. “I can just see it now. A shot of bourbon to wash your moon pie down.”

“Skye Evelyn Hendry!”

“It could work, Gran. All in the name of charity.”

“I don’t know if the local charity is that desperate for funding.”

“I think you’re right.”

We both laugh out loud.

I certainly hope that Gabriel Bassett is going to be there. I’d give anything for one more ogle of him before we get down to business.

I don’t know if I like the idea of him being my boss. He’s very serious. In fact, he hides his smile quite well. I wonder why that is. He has a fantastic face. If he smiled more, he’d be an absolute knockout. Not that he needs me to tell him that. I’m sure he could have any woman he wanted. Even if there aren’t a whole lot of women in this town, I’m quite certain they’d be lining up.

No. It isn’t good to be thinking of him in any other way, except my potential future boss.

A business transaction. That’s all this is.

I just have to get past the interview first.

* * *

The next day I’m up early, taking myself out for a power walk before getting ready for the day. I take the footpath at the front of my grandparents’ cottage and venture for half an hour around the neighborhood. It’s always a good start to the day and makes me feel good and more energized. After that, I make my kombucha tea and sit on the porch and gather my thoughts. I’m not really woo-woo, but I do like to have a few minutes of reflection most mornings to start the day off right.

I tell myself that everything is going to work out.

That I already have all the things I want.

I’m open to new ventures and opportunities.

All that good stuff that I read about in one of my law of attraction books. I have to say, that woo-woo shit works. I definitely fly by the seat of my pants and always have. I also try not to worry too much and just go with the flow.

Sometimes things don’t work out how you planned, but I like to believe that’s because something better is just around the corner. It hasn’t hurt me this far in my thirty years on earth, so I’m gonna roll with my usual happy-go-lucky attitude today.

I’ll get to meet most of the townsfolk and hopefully get to spy on Gabriel. I wonder if his kid will be there. Trinity. Such a pretty name. And five is such a good age. I smile to myself. I wonder if she’s exactly like him, and I wonder if the mom is in the picture. It doesn’t sound like it from what I’ve heard, but I make a mental note to ask Trav as much as I can, not that he’s been back in town long enough to know about gossip. He also doesn’t tend to listen to the hype, like all good cops. Which is what makes him so good at his job; he always listens with one ear elsewhere. He takes everything in and acts on gut instinct. I’m happy for him. He’s been through a lot with breaking up with his long-term girlfriend a few months ago, so I think this job opportunity came up at the right time. It’ll be a fresh start in a town I know he’s always loved.

Me? I had one long-term relationship a few years back, but then I threw myself into my career and finishing my studies, so I put love on the back burner. There’s been a few guys here and there, but nothing serious. Since I changed my profession, I’ve had a lot of making up to do, but I love working with kids and I know now that it’s my passion.

I sit back, take a sip of my kombucha, and feel good about where things are headed.

Deep breaths.

Everything is going to work out fine.

That’s my mantra today, and boy, am I gonna stick with it.

