He got to his feet, and Hari blushed as he took her hand and bent over her knuckles. “At your service lady. Everborn seem to be more common around this area than I imagined.”
“What course did you share with Livia?”
Hari chuckled. “That is surprising.”
Livia shrugged. “Even if I couldn’t use my body, I wanted to know how it worked.”
Steerik smirked. “She got a seventy-two.”
“Fine. I wasn’t very successful in figuring it out.” She chuckled. “Now that I have ditched Orvuul, I will put some effort into figuring it out.”
Steerik chuckled. “If you need some technical advice, text me.”
Livia snorted. “I never cheated off you in class, and I won’t start now.”
Hari looked at Zerul. “Can I go check on Vega?”
“No. Your other friend and Arkus are with her. They will keep you informed.”
She sighed and sent a message to Eon. She received a message, “No problem. She’s working through the hormones, and they have her on a light sedative. Arkus is curled up next to her, and she’s biting the hell out of him. Who knew?”
The picture that followed showed a teary Vega biting the forearm of Arkus. She was obviously very emotional, but Arkus didn’t seem to mind. He was stroking Vega’s hair.
“Huh. I had forgotten that she had fangs.”
Livia sighed. “Only when she’s in heat. It’s been a while, so she’s probably miserable right now.”
Steerik asked, “Why has it been a while?”
Hari said, “Her body has been disrupted for a few years. Now the disruption is gone, so I am guessing her system has kicked in.”
Livia looked at Steerik. “What do you think would cause that kind of disruption, Mr. Ninety-eight percent?”
“I would need more information.”
Hari yawned and excused herself. “Sorry. Weirdly long day.”
Zerul said, “Why don’t you head to bed, and I will have a conversation with the opener.”
The man sighed. “Call me Steerik.”
“Steerik then.” Zerul nodded. “Good night, Anhara.”
Livia grinned. “I think he just sent you to bed.”
Hari looked at Zerul. “Is the guestroom ready yet?”
She snorted and took her tired self back to bed, waving at the XIA folk and noting that Prolen was gone with his companions. He must have been hungry or something.
Hari sent a good wish to Vega and Eon and headed to bed. Livia was on her own.
* * * *
Zerul spoke to Steerik, and when they had exchanged pleasantries, they retreated to his office to discuss the particulars.