“Yeah, but I am guessing that the horns turned some heads.”
“Past is the past.”
She smirked. “Right, so what am I supposed to wear?”
“I have a few things that are suitable for evening wear for you.” He smiled.
He dried off, and they both walked into his room and headed to the wardrobe that had been stocked for her. He hummed and pulled out some dresses that were quite pretty and would make her look like a cross between an ancient priestess and a cuddly toy.
After she made her selection, she got dressed. She was wearing a bra, and the elegantly cut black dress ended just above her knees. It looked modest, but it wasn’t.
She stepped into the heeled pumps and fluffed her hair out. She wandered to the bathroom and pinned her hair up in a loose twist. Hari was adjusting her hair when Zerul came up to her with a dress in each hand. He stood behind her and put the first in front of her. “This one is subdued but pretty, and I like this one for planning the rest of our night.”
One was a matte black dress, and the other was lined silk with a slit up one thigh. “Matthias is here?”
“He brought his assistant?”
“I will wear the silk.”
He grinned. “I knew you liked me.”
“I am also wearing my wings.”
“You really, really like me.” He wagged his brows at her in the mirror.
She snorted and took the dress from him. “The food had better be good, or I am going in to do it myself, wings and all.”
“It will be. Reyna has pulled out all the stops once she realized you were moving in.”
“Yeah, I have noticed an uptick in quality.”
He kissed her shoulder and returned to the wardrobe in the main bedroom. She put on the dress and looked at her reflection. He walked back to her and handed her the shoes that matched the clothes she was wearing.
When the shoes were on, she focused on letting her wings out, and when they floofed out, she tucked them against her back and left the bathroom.
Zerul was fastening his cuffs and slowly smiled as she walked toward him. He put on his jacket and offered her his arm.
“So, now?”
“Now. The guests are waiting.”
They headed into the manor and walked through the halls until they went into the receiving room and met with the vampire king and his assistant.
It was an interesting and very long evening.
* * * *
Benny got into her evening gown and smiled. “This is going to be fun. We rarely have a chance to play this variety of dress-up.”
Tremble zipped up the back of her dress and kissed her shoulder. “You look stunning.”
“Thank you. You look like you should be scampering through trees.”
He grinned and straightened his formal tunic. “I will save the scampering for after the ceremony.”