“I am sure there will be other events in this snug passage.”
He chuckled. “I certainly hope so.” He recovered and started to walk again.
She sighed and held on as he moved in short thrusts inside her. Friction wasn’t an issue, as she was excessively slick.
He opened another panel, and they were in his bedroom. He continued on to his bathroom and started the shower. He calmly removed both of their shoes and stepped under the spray with both of them fully dressed. He had set his jacket aside at some point during the frolicking.
He undressed her and eased her off him. She understood the shower as a steady stream of semen made its way down her inner thigh.
“How were you able to hold it all in?” He circled a hand on her back as he undressed her.
“Uh, I believed I was plugged at the time.”
He grinned and removed her wet clothing, kicking it aside in the tiled space. When she was steady, he quickly removed his own clothing and kicked it to the side as well.
She wobbled a little and said, “Phones?”
“In my office.” He grinned. “Now, let’s get my mate tidy so that the vampires don’t pass out.”
“You smell very hot right now, and there is no doubt who your partner is.” He chuckled.
“You scent-marked me?” She was slow to form a thought.
“Most definitely.” He rubbed his hands over her back and down to her waist. “Us base-instinct extranaturals use scent to do business and for all interpersonal relationships. That’s how I knew you were the right person for me, despite circumstances.” He pulled her in close. “So, I waited.”
“You waited very well.” She smiled and held onto him.
“Thank you. I am glad you kept yourself busy. How is your lawsuit?”
“Doing well. Waiting for Serel to figure out if her dignity is worth facing criminal charges. I am guessing she is going to refuse the confession. It’s okay. I have plenty of evidence. Now that I am free of the court-mandated debt and have documentation to prove the discharge of obligation, she can’t have me arrested for contempt of court. So, she has had her attack, and now, I start mine.”
“What’s your plan?”
“Oh, I have documentation that she was planning this whole thing, the dress, the assault, everything. She just didn’t expect me to do what I did. My manifestation blew a hole in her plans.”
“Luckily, it did.”
“Well, unluckily for him. If he hadn’t glamoured me, there would have been more of a fight and less of an explosion.” She felt his fingers massaging her neck. “I don’t respond well to coercion.”
He sighed. “No. Let me know if I ever push you too far.”
“You will know.” She chuckled.
“That is what I am wary of.”
The rest of the shower was businesslike, including him sliding his fingers into her to rinse her lightly. It wouldn’t do to have her dripping during dinner.
She wrapped herself in a towel and rubbed at her hair.
He came out and swiped her hair towel, buffing his horns and otherwise naked.
She got the brush out of his vanity, took care of her hair, then reached up and brushed his hair.
He smiled, and she reached up to fluff up his golden locks, grinning when a cowlick made itself known just over one horn. “When did the horns come in?”
“When I was thirteen.” He smiled. “It was quite the dramatic entrance to puberty.”