Page 32 of Shattered Magic

Vega sniffled. “Thank you.”

Arkus smoothed her hair from her forehead and kissed the top of her ear.

She whispered, “Why did you pick that form, and where the hell is Eon?”

“You know why I chose it. You reacted very strongly, and after I came to understand that it wasn’t an actual being that I could take over, I made plans to remake someone.”


“You know why.” He exhaled softly near her ear, and there was a rumble like a diesel engine that ran through every place they touched.

“What is that?” Her eyes were wide as she tried to ease away from him.

“You like cats, so I am purring.” He chuckled.

“I... that was one story, and he wasn’t really a cat.”

“I am not really a human. It is all fine. I never dreamed of insight into my mate.”

“Not your mate,” she mumbled. She was exhausted after the emotional outburst, and he was so warm that he wasn’t helping her ability to stay awake.

He leaned over her, picked up the cup with the straw, and held it to her lips.

She sipped the cool water, and when he put it on the table, she said, “You didn’t know any of this stuff when I picked up that stupid shiny thing.”

“I know, but I learned. I watched every book, movie, and meeting that I could. I was with you for five years, and aside from leaving you to your family and friends, I watched everything.”

Vega sighed. “I figured it out and stopped a few things.”

“It was disappointing, but I noticed that as well.” He hugged her. “You must be frustrated.”

“No, that was the first thing I did when you weren’t behind my eyes. The shots were the second.”

He chuckled. “I am sorry that I missed it. So, when do you head home to your family?”


He froze. “What? What kind of ritual is this?”

“I hike up a hill and jump off a cliff. The landing area guarantees a lack of survival options. Spikey rocks and flowing water.”

“What is the purpose of it?”

“Well, if I am to survive, our god will catch me and save me from myself. He has yet to show up.”

He held her close. “What is his name?”

“The priests don’t tell us.”

“Of course not.” He was tense. “So, you are going to die for a nameless god?”

“I am going to die for my family so that my sister’s child has a better position in their society.”

“Does it have to be tomorrow?”

“Yes. Why?”

He pressed his lips to her temple, and she felt a wave of power go through her, and then everything faded to black.