“So, I will take on your appearance completely. I will get Anhara to sign an agreement to a contact contract, which acknowledges that I will engage in the act of opening her.”
“For how long?”
“As long as it takes to set the spells that will allow her to heal in the configuration necessary and without injury.”
Zerul nodded. “It won’t hurt her?”
“It may be uncomfortable for a while, but it will not hurt.”
“You are aware that she has been assaulted previously?”
Steerik paused. “It was mentioned. How serious was it?”
“It has kept her out of my bed for five years. I consider it very serious.”
The opener nodded. “Understood. I will gain consent at every turn. When do you wish me to proceed?”
“Tomorrow. I will run it past Anhara, and we will complete the process.”
“She knows?”
Zerul nodded. “She does, and she knows why.”
“That will be helpful. I do have a question for you.”
“Please. If I can answer, I will.”
“How is it that I have seen three everborn here today?”
“Because the fourth is in hospital.” Zerul smiled. “They were all born and raised around the Gateway. Their backgrounds opened the door for them to become everborn.”
Zerul looked out the window and said, “It was in the wake of a small wave. The Gateway widened, and energy seeped out. It sought out infants to remake in the ancient patterns with ancient skills. Now, I have a question for you. Why did an archmage decide to become an opener?”
Steerik ran a hand through his hair. “It was a compulsion. I couldn’t ignore it. To date, I have had fifty clients in different cities, and I know I will have twenty-seven more before I retire. To be honest, I thought you would be a vampire.”
“No, though I am not averse to tasting her.” He chuckled. “I am not averse to anything she will let me put in my mouth.”
“You sound like you are lovers.”
“My kind is at home on the dream plane, as is hers.”
Steerik stared. “Oh, so you two are not unknown to each other. That will make this easier and more difficult all at once.”
“Why more difficult?”
“I won’t move the way you do. The appearance is skin deep so that you will fit and she will be familiarized with you. The most important thing will be the spell casting. So, I will get that over with as expeditiously as possible and then leave the room.”
“Thank you. I am trying to avoid causing her stress.”
Zerul felt her on the dream plane, and he joined her while he discussed additional details with the opener, who would let him claim his consort once and for all.
Chapter Six
Vega heard people moving in the hall, and the cannula in her nose itched. She tried to lift her hand to paw at the tube, but someone held her down. She opened her eyes and tensed as a gold gaze stared into her soul.
Vega looked around wildly for Eon, but she was gone.
“She is going to get something to eat. She has been with you for hours. Someone poisoned you.”