“This is true. They also have souls, so much better all the way around.”
He nodded. “Well, if any of them have an evening off, they are welcome.”
She turned to Zerul. “Can I invite people?”
He grinned. “Of course. I am interested to meet your friends.”
“Thanks. I am feeling outnumbered.” She picked up the phone, tapped at it, got confirmations, and grinned. “Now, do I tell security that I have friends coming?”
“I will do it. What are their names?” Prolen smiled.
“Livia is my friend, then Sura and Minnie for you.” She blushed a little. “Oh, that sounds bad. They are both very agreeable with interesting hobbies. I had to guess at your personal interests.”
Prolen smiled. “I am certain you will choose appropriate candidates to replace Serel.”
“Well, some of the ladies have a thing for vampires, and others are terrified, so I went for the not-terrified ones.”
His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Wise choice.”
She smiled and checked her phone. “They will be here in an hour.”
Zerul frowned. “Who is Livia?”
“She’s my friend. She doesn’t show up on scans, and I am guessing that she stays out of my dreams. She would think it was invasive anyway. We were roommates back at the time of the last party. She helped me clean up and get my feet under me and kept me going when my life went to hell. She wasn’t much better, but together, we had each other’s back, and we built ourselves up from nothing.”
“You don’t understand. There is no trace of her in your mind when you sleep.”
“I know. She thinks it’s messy to leave traces of herself around, so she doesn’t.” Hari smiled. “I don’t know how she does it, but she disappears from my life the moment I fall asleep and returns when I wake up.”
“Are you sure she’s real?”
“You will see her in an hour. She’s never late.” Hari smiled. “She said she had something to wear, and I am curious to find out what she looks like dressed up.”
Zerul kept his arm around her. “I look forward to meeting your friends.”
“You keep that thought.” She smirked.
Chapter Four
Hari felt the energy brightening the air when Livia showed up. The trio walked in, dressed in cocktail dresses, and the gathered men and women paused and stared at them.
Hari grinned and excused herself from her conversation with Benny. “My friend Livia is here.”
She walked herself over, beckoned to Prolen, and he came to them. She made the introductions, he offered to take the ladies on a tour of the party, and Livia smiled at Hari. “You seem rested, Hari.”
“I am. How are the guys, Livia? They suffering from the lack of the gym?”
“Not yet. Everyone is just glad that you made it. Mage fire is no joke.”
“No, it isn’t. Do you have a repair estimate yet?”
“Yes and no. The governor has already sent a mage to the site to estimate reconstruction costs. I think they are going to use it as a teaching moment.”
“Nice. He seems very eager to keep me unbothered by my actual life.”
“I can see he has improved your wardrobe. So, that is a point in his favour. What’s this party?”
“I think he has some folks in from out of town and since Benny comes from a fairly impressive family. Wanna meet her and her guys?”