“When Matthias asked me to host you, it was my pleasure. This is my consort, Anhara. Anhara, this is Beneficia.”
The woman stuck out her hand with a grin. “Benny.”
Benny’s hair ruffled and rippled in a puff of air that didn’t have any discernable origin.
Benny looked at her. “Wow. You have an interesting lineage.”
“I will trust you on that. I ignore most of the things I have found out about my family.”
“Can you ask your parents?”
“Nope. Dad is dead, and Mom took off when I was two.”
“Grandparents? Aunts or uncles?”
“Damn. Would you let me to an analysis while we are here?”
“Not today. I haven’t eaten today, and it was a helluva wakeup.”
“Oh, shit. Come and sit down.”
Zerul smiled. “Food is being held for her. I will return in a moment.” He paused and looked at Benny. “Don’t let her run.”
“Yes, Governor.” Benny smiled, and when he was gone, she asked, “You are planning on running?”
“No. He’s spent five years courting and helping me in the dreamscape. It’s time to surrender to the inevitable.”
“How romantic.” Benny chortled and walked over to the three men sitting at the table. Two out of three were eating. The vampire was reading his phone. “These agents are Argyle, Smith, and Tremble. My partners and mates.”
Hari nodded. “Hiya.”
Argyle inclined his head. The crimson-maned vampire smiled. “So, you are the one that Zerul has been lusting after for the last four years.”
Hari looked at him. “Did you know Eberhart?”
Argyle grimaced. “Only by reputation.”
“It took me a while to get him out of my hair and off my skin. But his last was definitely his last.” She inclined her head.
Benny grinned. “Don’t worry, Argyle. If you tick her off, I can restore you.”
Zerul walked in with a tray in his hands. “You can restore paste? There was nothing left of Eberhart larger than an inch. Bone, muscle, and skin... shattered.”
Zerul shifted the tray to one hand and pulled out a chair for Hari. “Sit, Treasure.”
She walked over and sat down a few seats away from the shapeshifter. The meal was warm, and it was huge.
He kissed the crown of her head and sat between her and the XIA team. Benny was staring at him and then started to chuckle. “Oh, I get it now.”
Zerul looked at her. “What?”
“You two are the same. Same energy, same vibe, same general genetic background. Sorry. Genealogy is my hobby.”
Tremble chuckled. “She’s made of everything. Apparently, Lady Anhara has her own blend that is throwing Benny for a loop.”