Page 11 of Shattered Magic

She coughed, and the mask was pressed onto her face.

The medics urged her into the ambulance as her hair crumbled around her. Her skin was showing signs of heat exposure. She was blistering. Delightful.

Hari settled in the ambulance, and as the door closed, she saw a dark car pull up. She chuckled. “You might want to get going.”

The medic who was stabilizing her paused. “We will. The governor came to inspect the scene. He hasn’t been out in ages.”

The door to the ambulance was wrenched open, and Zerul, wearing a three-piece suit and dark glasses, was staring at her. She lifted a hand in greeting and kept breathing through the mask. “Hey. You are up early, Zerul.”

“Our dream was cut off, and then I was told about the fire. Why aren’t you healing?”

“I am. It’s just slow. Mage fire sucks.”

The medic spoke in a strangled voice. “You know the governor?”

He smirked. “Intimately. She’s my consort. Take her to the hospital and have her checked out. I will be there within the hour. Make sure she is well-treated, and you will be rewarded.”

Her skin had ceased burning and was repairing itself slowly, but she was pretty sure she looked like scorched hell.

The medic stammered assurances and strapped her down as the door closed, and the ambulance pulled away with sirens shrieking.

She mumbled, “I wondered how his sunglasses go over his ears and under his horns.”

The medic stared at her. “You are his consort?”

“He keeps saying it. Maybe it’s a manifestation thing.” She coughed and tried to curl up, but she was strapped down.

“Lay still. What is happening to your skin?”

“I am healing myself. It’s a thing that I do.” She coughed. “This damage should take about six hours, but my hair is going to stay fucked.”

The medic frowned and made some notes.

They arrived at the hospital four minutes later, and the paramedic spoke to the admitting nurse for a few moments after the gurney was down. She was wheeled through to an elevator and up for a few floors. There was security greeting the elevator, and nurses in expensive-looking scrubs intercepted her, wheeling her to a private room.

The oxygen mask was removed, a cannula was put into her nostrils, and the tests began.

“Aren’t I supposed to get assessed before being put in a room?”

One of the nurses smiled. “Not when you are the governor’s consort. What’s he like?”

“Ask him yourself. He’s right behind you.” She sighed.

Zerul walked to her side and held her left hand, kissing the inside of her wrist. “That was very clever.”

“Jumping out the window and frying myself?”

“No, the alcohol to find the mage. One of the firemen is a half-ogre, and he detained the attacker. All roads are leading to Serel.”

She smirked. “I read a lot, and I am not surprised. She freaked when she saw you at the club.”

The nurse paused and finally blurted out, “We need to take X-rays.”

Zerul shrugged. “So, take them.”

“Oh, yes, sir.”

He remained in the room while her lungs were scanned with the portable X-ray.