“Because I knew you’d freak out and tell me to end it… and well, the sex was too damn good.”

I get it.

How many times had I wanted to call my friends and confide in them about Lev, but I didn’t because I was worried they’d snap me out of my delicious delusions that my involvement with Lev would have a happy ending.

If I had, maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess.

But would you have even listened to them?

I gnaw the inside of my mouth. “I’ve seen what his world looks like, and I don’t know if I want to be a part of it.”

Henry’s face grows serious. “Has he ever been violent?”

I think of the man on his knees begging for his life.

“Not toward me. I don’t think he could ever hurt me. Even in the short time I’ve known him, I know he lives by certain principles, and violence toward women… well, he’d consider that uncouth.” I shake my head. “He’s only ever been protective and giving, and not just in bed. He’s offered me a life that most people could only ever dream about.”

“It doesn’t sound like you want to leave him.”

“I do.”

“You don’t speak like you do.”

“Then how do I speak?”

“Like you’re crazy in love with him.”

“That’s not true,” I say, busying myself with the cup of coffee in front of me.

The waitress brings us our meals, and I’m suddenly ravenous and dig into the pancakes like I haven’t seen food for months.

“So come back to Chicago. I’m already staying at your apartment. I can protect you.”

I look at my gorgeous friend, hating that I have involved him. He could never protect me from Lev. But I don’t tell him that. Instead, I go on enjoying my pancakes and the fact that Henry is here because even though he is no match for Lev, he makes me feel safer than if I were alone.

After devouring his waffles, Henry licks his fingers. “Come on, let’s go back to your motel and call the airline so we can get you home to Chicago.” He gives me a comforting smile. “Everything will work out, you’ll see.”

I don’t share his optimism, and he can tell.

On the table, he slides his hand over mine. “I’ve got you, kid.”

I clasp my fingers around his. “Thank you for coming here. It really does help.”

He grins. “You know me, I’m always up for an adventure.”

We leave the diner, cross the intersection to the motel, and make our way through the parking lot.

The moment I see the black Escalade out the front of my motel room, my body does two opposing things.

One, my adrenal glands send a surge of adrenaline through me because I know Lev’s found me, and I don’t know what that means for me.

And two, I feel a second surge follow the first, but this one is a big wave of excitement crashing into me. Because Lev’s found me. And there is some fucked up part of me that still aches to see him.

I glance around, but I can’t see him.

What do I do?

My fight or flight kicks in, and I decide flight is the better option. Because I don’t want Henry involved in this.

“Henry,” I whisper. “We have to get out of here.”

I turn to look for an escape route that doesn’t involve going past my motel room, but the moment I turn, I collide with a rock-hard chest standing right behind me. I look up and see a pair of familiar dark eyes and a tight jaw.

“Hello, Miss Masters.” His voice is cold and hard. “Going somewhere?”



Feliks and I follow Henry and Brooke into the little motel room and close the door behind us.

“What the hell is going on?” Henry demands.

“Henry, this is Lev,” Brooke explains, not meeting my eyes.

“And I’m Feliks,” Feliks jumps in, immediately shaking Henry’s hand.

Henry’s eyes light up. “Well, hello…”

Feliks gives him one of his flirtatious grins, and the two make eyes at each other like we’re all here on a fucking Tinder date.

I clear my throat.

Both men turn to look in my direction, and Feliks straightens like the soldier he’s supposed to be.

“How did you find me?” Brooke asks.

“You left in a refrigerated delivery truck. Common sense says you’d get off at the next stop. Not a very smart move hiding out in a motel across the road from where Joe’s next stop was.”

“Well, forgive me for being an amateur at running from the mafia.”

“Bratva,” I remind her.

She continues to shoot bullets at me from her eyes.

The motel room is a shithole.

This was better than being with me?

“You’re coming home with me,” I say, unable to control the edge in my tone.

“No, I’m not,” she bites back.

“And not if I can help it,” Henry says, taking a step forward.

I shift my gaze to him. He’s clearly intimidated, but I have a feeling he’d throw himself in front of Brooke to stop me from getting to her.