I find Henry and Feliks in the kitchen, laughing as they drink vodka.

When I walk in, Henry’s laughter fades. “Everything okay?”

“He’s a jerk. No, he’s a giant asshole of a jerk.” I flop down at the table beside Henry. “And I hate him.”

“The pakhan has a lot on his plate at the moment,” Feliks says.

“That may be the case, but I think him being a grumpy ass is his default setting.”

“He has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders.”

“Don’t we all? And we don’t go around kidnapping people off the street.”

“You are here for your protection and of the baby,” Feliks reminds me. “You’re carrying his heir, Brooke. You have to expect he is angry that you left. Especially after everything that happened.”

“What happened?” Henry asks.

“One of Lev’s enemies kidnapped Brooke and put her in the hospital to prove a point to Lev.”

Henry turns his head sharply. “You conveniently left that bit out.”

“I’m sorry. I wanted to ease you into the whole I’m involved with the bratva thing.”

Unfortunately, Feliks doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. “And then with the car bomb—”

I cringe, knowing Henry isn’t going to take it well.

He stands so fast it almost gives me whiplash. “Car bomb? What the actual hell, Brooke?”

“It’s okay,” I say, taking his wrist and guiding him back down to the chair. “I wasn’t hurt. I wasn’t even there.”

Because technically, I was in the building next door.

“Best you tell me everything,” he says. “And this time, don’t leave anything out.”

I tell him what happened. About Victor dying and Igor being in the hospital.

About the attack in the hospital.

About the war on Vlad.

“And in the middle of all of this, Brooke flees,” Feliks adds.

I narrow my eyes at him. Traitor.

Henry rests his elbows on the table and runs his hands through his hair, exhaling roughly as he tries to process everything I just told him.

Suddenly, he straightens. “This is really happening.”

I glance over to Feliks, who looks relaxed and at ease as if he’s watching a PG movie and not two friends discussing car bombs and kidnapping.

I guess after a while, this life must get desensitizing.

I give him a pointed look. “Don’t forget the bit where I sold Lev out to the feds.”

“You have to admit, Todd Bastik being denied parole immediately after you met with Agent Michaels looks suspicious.”

“Yes, it does. But things aren’t always how they look. I met with him so I could tell him to back off. He’s been pestering me for weeks, and I’m over it. So I decided to let him know that he was wasting his time trying to get anything out of me.”

Feliks’ bright blue eyes study me for a moment. He is usually easy-natured, but the way he is looking at me right now, I can see he’s looking for holes in my story or little signs in my body language that tell him I’m lying. I can see how intimidating he would be to those who cross his path in the dark underworld that he and Lev reign so royally in.

But then he smiles, and he’s an entirely different person.

And I know which version I prefer.

“Give him time,” he says. “He’s hurt because you left.”

“Only because he sees it as me getting the better of him.”

“You’re not giving him much credit. He was concerned about you and the baby. I know you don’t want to hear it, but your life changed the moment you became pregnant. You’re carrying the Zarkov heir, so you must understand his need and want to protect you both.”

“I do understand that bit. But does he have to be such a cold-hearted dick?”

“I don’t deny he can be cold, but that is just a front. You’ll learn who he is.”

“He just gave me an orgasm and then told me we’re done—that’s who he is,” I mutter.

Henry almost chokes on his vodka.

Feliks chuckles. “You’re just as stubborn as he is. This is going to be fun.”

“You probably shouldn’t be in here telling me all of this. If he finds out you’ve been hanging with the enemy, there’ll be hell to pay. Just ask me.”

Feliks grins. “I will always have my pakhan’s back. But I can also be a good friend to you too. I don’t like taking sides.” He sighs. “It’s so boring.”

“Do you need me to stay?” Henry asks.

“I couldn’t expect that of you. You’ve already done so much.”

“Don’t be crazy. I’ll ask for some time off and hang out with you for a bit. I mean, if the pakhan agrees.”

“He probably won’t agree, just to piss me off,” I mumble.

“I’ll have a word with him,” Feliks offers. He drains his glass and stands.

Henry looks concerned and says to Feliks, “You don’t need to put yourself in the firing line.”

“Relax, I’m probably the only person in the world who isn’t afraid of him when he gets like this.” He gives Henry a small but suggestive smile. “Besides, I think it might be nice having you around for a bit.”