And when he started thrusting again, I let out an unintelligible string of curses when his cock hit right along the spot where my prostate was.

“Oh holy fuck, I needed that,” I uttered as he thrust in again at that angle, hitting it perfectly. “I think I need that forever. Going to fucking beg you for that—God—”

He needed it just as much as I did now, because he wasn’t stopping or pausing. I could feel my cock bob with every thrust that hit that spot inside me, and I knew the moment I touched it, I was going to blow.

I couldn’t have known how it would feel to have him inside me. I couldn’t have dreamed of what the tight pain would be, and even more, I’d had no conception of how right it would feel to get filled up like this, to feel him so deep in me, to be able to fuck back against him and imagine exactly how good it was for him, too.

And with each thrust I knew I could trust myself more again, too.

I wasn’t losing my mind. I wasn’t stupid.

Because this was all worth it.

His palm came down flat against the small of my back and he pushed in all the way to the hilt, saying my name in that broken, sexy as fuck way again.

“I’m close,” he told me, fucking me a little slower and a little deeper as I arched my back to help him go as deep as he could. “Touch yourself for me.”

“I’ll come in two seconds,” I admitted.

“Good,” he said, a command in his voice that shot adrenaline straight through me.

I reached for my cock as he kept thrusting inside me, and I knew I was right the moment I wrapped my fist around it. The twin sensations of stroking myself while he was deep in me were too good.

“Holy fuck, Harlan.” My voice was all breathless again. “You’re going to make me come.”

“Come for me.”

That was all it took. I lost control as he pushed deep again, and as the wave of my orgasm came crashing down, I felt him tense up, too. I knew he was filling the condom deep inside me. So hot. So fucking hot.

There was no doubt about it now. This wasn’t just some little experiment that I could brush off, that I could treat as a passing curiosity.

Deep down, I’d always known that was true.

I’d never felt more connected with anyone else before, and something had fundamentally changed for me tonight, knowing that I craved every moment of it.

It wasn’t just that I liked getting fucked by another man.

It was that Harlan meant more to me than any doubts or hesitations ever could. And that I wasn’t afraid. I vowed to never be afraid again, when it involved him.

I was a hot, incoherent mess as he slowly slid out from inside me. I felt used, in the best possible way. I was only dimly aware of my surroundings as I heard the sound of his footsteps padding off toward the other side of the room, the sound of the tap running in the bathroom, and then his footsteps coming back again.

He’d brought a warm, wet washcloth, and he gently toweled us both off, cleaning up the mess of white I’d left all over my own hand, too. He stripped the top comforter off the bed and then both of us lay down there on the top sheet, catching our breath, in a haze.

I felt like I was floating on a cloud. Satisfied down to my bones, my body relaxed in a way I’d never felt before.

“I think…” I said, pausing to breathe deep. “I think I like being fucked.”

Both of us laughed, softly at first and then harder, almost giggling like school kids. “Think you might enjoy it, huh?” he teased. “Was your first hint all of the begging, or was it when you commanded me to fuck you harder?”

“God, that was good.”

“Good doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

I knew I really was delirious at this point, and I could feel my eyes getting heavy already. I met his eyes, in awe that any of this was real. In awe again that I was somehow this lucky.

“So I should tell you,” I murmured, cozying up on the bed a little further. “I usually pass out really fast after I come.”

“I kind of saw that at the inn,” Harlan said. “And I’m going to be real with you, Goose. You fall asleep really fast even when you haven’t just blown a big load. You’ve passed out on my couch about five hundred times.”

I hummed, smiling as I felt his warm palm skating over my shoulder. “So good, Moose.”

“You are,” he said softly.

“Mmm,” I breathed, unable to open my eyes. “You’re not going to get all spooked on me, right? Not going to run away?”