Elsie snorted a laugh behind us.

“Until next time,” she said with a wave.

Ashleigh’s shocked look was priceless.



My hands were shaking as I pushed out of the bar, through the double doors, and onto the sidewalk. That had not gone as planned. I’d thought I’d been holding it all in. But then Chase arrived and defended me. I hadn’t even known I wanted that. I’d never needed it before, but now, I was bereft that, my entire life, I’d had to do all my own saving. And yes, I’d stood up to Ashleigh in the end, but only Chase’s strength had helped me to walk out.

Kai and Elsie followed us out.

Kai chuckled under his breath. “Always a good time, Sinclair.”

They shook hands as Elsie pulled me into a hug.

“Call me anytime, and we’ll have our own girls’ time, all right?”

“Thanks, Els.”

I watched them walk away and followed Chase to the red Porsche parked on the street.

“Harley,” he said as I reached the passenger side, “I know you’re mad.”

I turned and threw myself into his arms all at once. I pressed my lips to his. He groaned and tugged me in close, slanting our mouths together and taking me deeper.

“Well, hello,” he murmured.

“I’m not mad.”

“You’re not?”

I shook my head. “Thanks for coming.”

“Even though you didn’t text me?”


“I had no idea Kennedy was going to be there. I never would have suggested that you go if…”

“Chase,” I said with a laugh. “It’s fine. I kind of gathered that you didn’t know or else you wouldn’t have burst in there like a knight in shining armor to rescue me.”

“When you didn’t need rescuing,” he guessed.

“I was holding it down fine, but honestly, I wanted to leave.”

I winced at the admission. I’d been trying to be a cool girl and just given up. That wasn’t me, and it was nice to not have to spend another minute pretending.

He breathed out. “I’m glad I came then. When I saw that text, I just lost it.”

“I noticed. Were you trying to get your sister to punch you?”

He threaded our fingers together. “I don’t think clearly when it comes to you, I guess.”

“Same. But what are you going to do about Ashleigh now?”

He sighed. “I don’t know. I don’t want to have to play these games.”

“That seems to be her MO.”

“It is.”

“And…your dad?” I asked gently.

I understood viscerally why he didn’t want to tell his dad. Aside from my mom, all of my family had found out when I didn’t want them to. I’d never gotten to tell basically anyone about us without a huge scene.

“I’m going to tell him. I do not want Ashleigh to be the one to do it.”

“Do you think she will?”

“I have no fucking clue,” he admitted. “On some level, yes. On another, she’d want to save it for when it could hurt me the most—because that’s how she functions.”

“Christ, Chase.”

“I know.” He shook his head. “We’re fucked up. I did mention that.”

I laughed. “Well, if y’all are, then so are we.”

“I’ll try to work up the nerve sooner rather than later. Maybe I’ll make dinner plans with him. Could we do dinner?”

“We can do dinner,” I agreed.

He exhaled slowly. “All right. And again…I’m sorry I got you out of there.”

“What? This is way better than dinner and more drinks with those girls. You were so right. I shouldn’t have gone. That is not my scene.” I pushed my hands up his chest, wrapping them around his neck. “I’ve never been comfortable with girls like that.”

“I can’t imagine you being uncomfortable in any situation.”

“Oh no, I can handle myself,” I said with a smirk, “but those girls know all the buttons to press.”

“Like my ex.” His head dropped down to rest against my forehead.

“Like your ex fiancée.”

He winced. “I didn’t purposely keep that information from you. I just…don’t ever think about her.”

I pulled back and looked up into his big blue eyes, the sincerity in every line, and just laughed. “Chase, did you think I was jealous?”

He shot me a sheepish look. “To be fair, I would be jealous of anyone who has ever looked at you.”

“Okay, maybe I’m jealous of that,” I answered honestly. “But I don’t think I have anything to worry about.”

“You don’t,” he rushed to assure me.

I pushed him backward gently. “You were basically single for three years because you were obsessed with me.” I winked at him. “I know I have nothing to worry about.”

“Oh, someone is cocky now, huh?” he asked, slipping his hands down the back of my cream dress.

“Should I not be?”

“It’s fucking hot. So, please continue.”

“Is this when I tell you that I want your cock?”

He nipped at my bottom lip. “Whenever you want it.”

“Now?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as I grabbed for the handle on his Porsche.

“You’ve convinced me.” He jogged around to the driver’s side and slipped in. “How exactly are we getting your car home?”