“Well, it’s hard to blame them. We’ve given them plenty of reasons to hate us. As they have given us plenty of reasons to hate them.”
“I guess,” I said doubtfully. “Anyway, I am on my way to her soccer game now. So, I’m going to go deal with their hatred.”
“Chin up, dear. You’re a Sinclair.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
“And let’s do lunch, like you suggested. Next week sometime works in my schedule.”
“Sounds good,” I agreed.
“I’m having a girls’ weekend soon,” Ashleigh blurted out before I could go. “Like, in two weeks. We’re doing a spa day and going out for drinks.”
My eyebrows rose. “Okay?”
“Harley should come. I want to get to know her.”
I hesitated over that. “I’ll have to ask her if she’s interested.”
“Do that, brother of mine. And then give me her number so I can make plans when she says yes.”
“Right,” I said uncertainly.
Ashleigh was being nice. Maybe too nice. I wasn’t sure what to think of it. Was it sincere, or was it Ashleigh being Ashleigh? I’d have to run it by Harley and see what she thought.
“I’ll talk to y’all later,” I said, making my excuse to get off the phone.
I pulled a baseball cap on my head and headed out the door. The outdoor soccer complex was only ten minutes from my house. I parked the Subaru near the back, walking the long way to the fields. My mom had been right. I was anxious. Not about Harley. She and I were perfect. Having her at the house was like waking up in a dream every day. I’d wanted this—her—for so long that it was like she fit right in where I’d always assumed she would.
But I was nervous about her brothers.
Enduring their hatred.
Hoping to win them over.
Knowing that it was unlikely.
I released a harsh breath. It didn’t matter. I was going to this game regardless. I was here for my girlfriend. And I would keep coming back and dealing with their ire, no matter what happened. They were going to learn that they couldn’t run me off.
Harley was on the field, dribbling a soccer ball when I arrived. I picked her out from a dozen yards with her ice-blonde hair up in a high ponytail. She kicked the ball to Annie, who did some impressive footwork and then lobbed it back.
Bailey waved from the stands when she saw me. “Sinclair, over here!”
Ah, Bailey, so subtle.
A sea of heads turned in my direction.
Jordan and Whitt were seated together. Julian was on the field. While West had gone back on tour with Cosmere, leading up to his and Nora’s wedding next month. But there were other Wrights in attendance. Sutton Wright was seated with Julian’s wife, Jennifer. Jensen was there as well since his oldest son, Colton, played on the team. He was an eighteen-year-old superstar who had taken to all the sports in his school like waves to water. Harley bragged on him a lot. That he’d been recruited in both football and track even though, apparently, he really wanted to play soccer. He gotten into as many top universities as she had and would be attending Harvard in the fall. She’d admitted that she was sad they wouldn’t be there at the same time. Though it was the only thing she was sad about.
I waved at Bailey and climbed into the stands to sit next to her and Eve. “Hey, Bailey.”
“Hey, Chase!” she said, just as loud and dramatic as the first time.
Eve snorted next to her. “Bails, cut it out. The guy looks like he’s going to hyperventilate.”
“I’m fine,” I told her. “Good to see you, Eve.”
“Surprised you’re here,” Whitt said from her other side.
I met his gaze. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
He shrugged and leaned back. Right.
Eve smacked him. “Whitt, I swear.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek and said in just above a whisper, “I promised I’d try to be nice.”
Jordan’s gaze landed on me. “I didn’t.”
I tipped my head at him in acknowledgment. Glad that there were three people between us. I didn’t have to be here, but I was here for Harley. As long as he didn’t punch me again, this would be fine.
Harley found me in the stands as she ran over to the sidelines for the game to begin. She waved high and wide in my direction. I laughed and waved back. She blew me a kiss before following the team out onto the pitch.
I relaxed as the game went on. Bailey kept up a steady stream of commentary on the match. It was appreciated, as it kept me from having to say much of anything to anyone else there. We were all playing nice, but we weren’t suddenly happy about the situation.
Julian moved into position to take a corner kick. I found Harley standing right smack in the middle of the group, ready for what was coming their way. They were down, two to one, despite Colton and Blaire doing their most to try to score. The teams were evenly matched.