“I don’t know how to feel about the whole thing,” Maggie said after several moments of quiet. “Jonathan said he had to figure out what I was like in case he introduced himself and I turned out to be someone who was only after his money. It feels sneaky, you know, not to mention offensive. Like, just because I don’t have money, I’m going to be untrustworthy? Pretty judgemental in my view. But I really like my new job, and I don’t want to give it up. I especially don’t want to go back to my clients with my tail between my legs and beg for my cleaning gigs back.”

Frowning, I withdrew my phone and typed, “I hope he at least apologised for being underhanded.”

Maggie sniffed. “He did. He seemed genuinely sorry, too, said he’d wanted to come clean but had left it so long, and there never felt like a right time. His assistant has been training me, and she said he’s quite a lonely person, that he doesn’t have any close family.”

“That doesn’t mean you should feel obliged to fill that void,” I typed. “You should only get to know him if you’re comfortable and actually want to.”

Maggie turned to me, her expression conflicted. “I’m not entirely sure if I want to, but I am curious. He knows more about our father than I do, and I’d like to hear about him. I’d like to know about the side of me that didn’t come from my mother.”

“That’s understandable,” I replied.

“We’re going to meet up to talk everything through soon. Maybe then I’ll feel more confident about whether I want to continue getting to know him.”

“I can come with you when you go to meet him,” I offered. “I don’t have to be there when you’re talking, but I can be nearby for moral support.”

She sent me a grateful look, stroking her hand down my arm. “I might take you up on that.”

A silence fell. Maggie moved away from the window and went to look around the rest of the penthouse. She disappeared inside the bathroom, and I heard her exclaim loudly, “This tub might be bigger than my entire flat.”

I grinned and followed her in, finding her standing by the mirror staring at her reflection. “You’re beautiful,” I typed, and she glanced down, her long eyelashes casting a pretty shadow over her cheeks. “And sexy,” I continued. Christ was she sexy.

Her eyes flicked up, meeting mine through the mirror. “Did you mean it earlier?” she whispered.

I tilted my head in question, and she continued, “When you asked if I wanted you as my boyfriend? You weren’t just teasing me?”

My expression heated. “I wasn’t teasing you, Maggie. I meant it.”

“I think I want that,” she breathed, and possessive satisfaction scored me. Her throat moved as she swallowed, glancing at the floor then bringing her eyes back to me. “I want us to be together, Shay.”

“I want it, too,” I typed. “I want it more than my next breath.”

Hearing the statement, Maggie let out a small gasp. Placing my phone aside, I grabbed her hand and pulled her around, so she was facing me. Then I captured her face in my hands and stared into her eyes. Her eyelids fluttered as she wet her lips, and less than a second later, I was kissing her.

My tongue plundered her mouth as I lifted her. She locked her thighs around my waist, neither one of us breaking the kiss as I carried her into the bedroom and lowered her onto the bed before climbing over her. I was vaguely aware of her kicking off her shoes. I was hard as a rock as I settled into the softness between her thighs. I ground my erection into her heat, and she arched her back in pleasure. The way she reacted did something to me. Desire took over as I pushed her dress up over her hips, revealing black lace underwear. I moved down her body until my head was between her legs. I feathered my lips over the delicate material, and a soft moan escaped her.

“Shay,” she breathed.

It was so wrong. I could lose my job. We shouldn’t even be in there, but there was no stopping me now. Maggie was my girlfriend, and I had to stake my claim over her. It was a base instinct, a fiery need I was incapable of dousing. She went up on her elbows, staring down at me as I slowly rolled her underwear down her hips and legs until she was bare to me.

“Shay, we shouldn’t. If we’re caught, you could—”

I silenced her when I brought my mouth to her sex and licked. She fell back, her eyes closing, mouth open as gentle breaths left her. I licked right down her centre, then back up before capturing her clit and sucking hard. She cried out and I sucked harder, then flicked my tongue back and forth to drive her wild.