“Hey, um, Siobhan gave me the package you left. I haven’t eaten it yet, but it looks delicious, and I just wanted to call and say thank you. Today has been exhausting, and this is just perfect. Exactly what I needed. So, thank you, again. You’re just …” I sighed. “So great.”

Silence followed, and for a moment, I wished for him to be able to speak, but it was a selfish instinct. Besides, to me, Shay was just Shay. He came as he was, and I really wouldn’t change a thing about him. His inability to speak might’ve made it difficult for us to communicate, but we found ways around it. It wasn’t that big of a barrier in the grand scheme of things.

“Siobhan asked me to apologise to you for mistakenly thinking you were deaf. She’s mortified,” I chuckled and heard him release a breath, like he found it amusing, too. I could just imagine her speaking really loudly and moving her lips with extra emphasis.

“Anyway, I better go eat and then sleep because I have to do it all again tomorrow. Hopefully, I can return the favour for you soon. Maybe when I start getting paid for this new job, I can treat you to a meal out somewhere.” I paused, my heart still shimmering. “Goodnight, Shay,” I breathed.

The urge to tack on “Love you” was on the tip of my tongue, but I managed to keep it in. I didn’t know where the instinct came from. Maybe it was my exhaustion and the fact I was feeling extra emotional because the food was such a kind gesture.

I hung up, my heart racing. I’d almost said it. It was a quick save I’d clamped my mouth shut. Saying those words might’ve freaked Shay out. I knew he liked me, but love? It was far too early to tell. And it worried me my feelings might be stronger than his. I didn’t want that, didn’t want to be more attached to him than he was to me, but there was nothing for it now. He was nestled right there in my heart, and there was no wrenching him out, not without significant pain and suffering.

That was exactly what I’d spent years avoiding. I just had to keep reminding myself the potential for heartbreak was better than never taking a single chance and being lonely for the rest of my life.

Pulling myself together, I went about heating up the soup when my phone buzzed with a text.

Shay: It was no trouble, honestly. I knew how tired you’d be working for sixteen hours straight. Also, I already know how you can pay me back.

I replied with a single question mark, and his response came fast.

Shay: There’s a work Christmas party Rhys invited me to attend, and I was wondering if you’d come?

My chest fluttered. He wanted me to be his date.

Me: *thumbs up emoji*

Me: When?

Shay: This Saturday. It’s okay if you can’t come. I know you’re going to be exhausted from working double shifts all week.

Me: I’ll b der. x.

I put down my phone and dug into the food, which was delicious, especially the apple pie. I wondered if Shay made it, or if it was another of his father’s culinary delights.

The next few days were a blur. I saw Shay only briefly on the bus, and he’d been leaving me dinner packages, which Siobhan delivered promptly every time I arrived home. Honestly, if I wasn’t already falling for Shay, the dinner deliveries would’ve sealed the deal. Food was the way to my heart, for sure. I also discovered Siobhan had invited Shay into Bob’s flat for tea, and he’d been using his text to speech app to chat with them. I imagined they’d grilled him about our relationship big time, and I was dying to know how he responded, but I hadn’t had the opportunity to quiz Siobhan about it.

Siobhan and Bob were my neighbours, yes, but they were also the closest thing I had to friends, so Shay being polite enough to share tea with them warmed my heart.

I hadn’t encountered Jonathan since the big reveal on Tuesday, but he’d left me a message saying he’d schedule a lunch for us soon, so we could talk. The building manager job was demanding, and Therese was still training me, but I was finding I quite enjoyed it. Not only because it meant not cleaning anymore, but also because it was a new challenge. My brain was taking in all this new stuff, and it was invigorating.

On Saturday, I didn’t wake up until well after midday. I didn’t feel guilty about it, though, because I deserved the extra sleep after the week I’d had. Remembering my plans to go with Shay to his work party, nerves and anticipation filled me. I was excited to spend some time with him, but I had no idea what to wear. A Christmas party required something a little glitzier and more stylish than what I was used to.