The next second, he was coming, his desire filling my mouth as I swallowed. I didn’t withdraw until I knew he was finished. His cock fell free, and he tugged me up his body, wrapping me in his warms as his chest rose and fell. I could feel his heart thumping.

“I love doing that to you,” I said as I buried my face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent. He was sweating a little, and the pheromones must’ve affected me somehow because I didn’t want to stop breathing him in. Shay held me tight, and somewhere along the way, I fell asleep.

My dreams were peaceful, contented, and I didn’t wake again until soft morning light streamed through a slim gap in Shay’s bedroom curtains.

He wasn’t holding me anymore, and I laid alone in his bed. I was relaxed and sated for a moment before realisation dawned that his father would be home, and I was still there.

Oh hell, that was bad.

I also had to get to work. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was thankfully still early. I had time to nip home and change into some fresh clothes. Well, there was also the chance Mrs Reynolds had spent the weekend blacklisting me and I wouldn’t have a job to go to.

With that in mind, I grabbed my phone and sent a message to Jonathan Oaks.

I’ll take the position. Regards, Maggie.

I must’ve read the message over about ten times, making sure everything was spelled correctly before I hit send. Then I began stressing, because accepting the new job meant I was going to have to spend the week putting in my notice with all my other clients.

A response came a few minutes later.

Great. You can start tomorrow. J.

It was followed by another message with the address of his firm. I was relieved when I saw it wasn’t too far from the Balfe Hotel. I’d still be able to take the same bus route as Shay, but then my stress returned. Jonathan wanted me to start tomorrow? That left no time for me to work notice for my clients.

I was about to call him and explain the situation, but then I hesitated. Technically, I could start working at my new job and work notice at my cleaning jobs at the same time. I just had to schedule the cleaning for after hours. It meant working almost an eighty-hour week for a fortnight, but I could manage it. It wouldn’t leave much room for anything other than sleeping and eating, but it was only temporary.

Plus, it meant double earnings for two weeks. Maybe I’d have enough money to take the kids away for a weekend. That would certainly be nice, especially because I expected visiting Mam was going to leave them all with a lot of strange feelings and emotions. They might need something to lift their spirits.

I heard someone speaking downstairs and recognised Eugene’s voice. It sounded like he and Shay were having breakfast. The kitchen was at the back of the house, so maybe I could sneak out the front without anyone noticing. Shay’s dad seemed to like me well enough, but I didn’t know if me staying the night would bother him. He might find it disrespectful.

I was also embarrassed by the idea of him suspecting I’d been intimate with his son. I was shy about that sort of thing, and I was certain parents felt awkward knowing about their children’s sex lives. The same way kids felt uncomfortable hearing about the sex lives of their parents, no matter what age they were. I cringed thinking of the times when Mam would have a new boyfriend, and I’d have to put my headphones on full blast so I didn’t hear anything coming from her bedroom.

Pulling myself from the memory, I dressed quickly in the clothes I’d had on yesterday. I neatly folded Shay’s T-shirt and lounge pants, then paid a quick visit to the bathroom to pee and use some mouthwash. It would tide me over until I could get home and brush my teeth.

Returning to Shay’s room, I grabbed my things and quietly headed downstairs.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt again,” Eugene’s voice filtered through from the kitchen, and I stilled. “Maggie seems lovely, but Emer was lovely, too. I remember how depressed you were after that breakup. You’ve only just gotten back to your old self.”

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t feel good being compared to Emer, especially after how she broke Shay’s trust by cheating. I wanted his father to know I wasn’t like her, that I would never do something like that to anyone I was with, and especially not Shay. I felt so much for him, and I never wanted to cause him pain.

It was also clear Eugene was aware I’d stayed the night, and discomfort niggled at me. Why had I allowed myself to fall asleep? It was a stupid mistake, and now, I was in a horribly awkward situation because of it.