“You can sit,” I said to Shay, motioning to the couch. “I’ll just be a minute.”

I gathered some underwear, socks, a hoodie and a pair of leggings, then shut myself in the bathroom. I was aware of his presence the entire time I dried off and changed, goosebumps claiming my skin. Shay was in my flat.

We were alone.

I combed out my wet hair after drying it as best I could with a towel, then I brushed my teeth, put on some deodorant and emerged from the bathroom. Shay still sat quietly on my couch, texting someone on his phone, presumably his dad. He was probably letting him know he’d be home a little later than usual. He’d taken off his raincoat and left his wet boots by the door. I appreciated the small consideration and was struck by how much seeing him relaxing in my tiny flat affected me. He made the place feel warm and occupied when it was usually cold and a little empty.

He lifted his gaze from his phone, his eyes starting at my fluffy socks before travelling slowly up my body. I suppressed a shudder.

“Are you hungry? I haven’t gone shopping in a few days, but I should be able to find something to rustle up.”

Too nervous to wait for an answer, I went into the kitchenette to check the cupboards. To my irritation, they were almost bare. My fridge also had precious little food, and I felt awful for not being able to cook something for Shay after he saved me from a horrendous journey home from work.

“There’s not much here, but I can pop out to the shop and grab something,” I said, turning around and discovering him behind me. He signed something I suspected was Don’t worry about it, or It’s fine.

I leaned back, gripping the edge of the countertop as I struggled to deal with the urge to reach out and touch him. Why did I always deny myself the things I wanted? Where exactly had that gotten me in life? It might’ve saved me a small measure of heartbreak, but the price for that was loneliness. And I didn’t want to feel lonely anymore.

I wanted to feel connection.

Bright, buzzy, exhilarating connection.

And that was why I stepped forward and weaved my arms around Shay’s neck. Being so tall, he dipped his head down a little, his eyes wide with curiosity at what I was doing. I wasn’t wearing a bra under my hoodie, so when I stepped into the circle of Shay’s warmth, and my breasts brushed his hard chest, a small gasp escaped me. I stared up at him, desire the driving force behind my actions when I pressed my lips to his.

Just like that, his arms came around my waist, gripping me tight. I kissed him eagerly, my tongue seeking entrance to his mouth. He held mostly still, letting me explore. His citrusy cologne and the natural comforting scent that was just him surrounded me. My fingers inched towards the back of his scalp, then slowly travelled down his neck, featherlight. A gruff breath left him, and I yelped when he suddenly lifted me and carried me over to my bed.

The mattress creaked when he lowered me, our kiss momentarily broken before his lips returned to mine, and I closed my eyes.

That was it.

That was what I needed.

A connection I didn’t want with anyone but him.



She was heaven.

I’d never felt a rush quite as I did with Maggie. Not with anyone. The passion and need that constantly bubbled under my skin was impossible to ignore. Every time I was around her, my fingers itched to reach out and touch.

Back in the car, I’d barely been able to keep my hands to myself.

Now, I’d been in her flat for less than ten minutes, and already, I had her spread out on her bed beneath me. I liked having her there, soft and pliant. Her taste was drugging. I could’ve kissed her for hours, savouring every tiny reaction from her small gasps and faint moans to her beaded nipples, which I could feel beneath her soft hoodie. I wanted to tell her how beautiful and sexy she was, how much I desired her all the time, but I couldn’t.

I could only show her.

I broke away to kiss her neck, and she sighed in pleasure. My flattened palm moved down her stomach and under her hoodie, pressing to the soft, silky skin of her abdomen. I was hard as a rock as soon as her lips met mine, but now, I was in danger of seriously embarrassing myself, especially with how much her quiet noises turned me on.

“Shay,” she breathed, and I drew away from her neck to meet her gaze. I needed to check in and make sure she was okay with what was happening because I was certain neither one of us planned for this.