Finished with his tie, I stepped away. “There,” I breathed. “We should probably get back now. We’ve been gone a while.” I bent to pick up my handbag, moving past Shay towards the door when he snatched my wrist and pulled me back to him. A second later, his mouth crashed down on mine, his kiss full of passion, as I endeavoured not to get lost in him again. His tongue practically assaulted mine, and a rush of wetness sprang forth between my thighs.

All it took was one kiss from Shay, and I was ready.

My hands went to his chest, my lips leaving his, but Shay didn’t let me back away very far. He brought his forehead to mine as he closed his eyes and appeared to gather himself. Finally, he stepped away, his hand sliding into his pocket for his phone.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he typed. “It’s going to be a problem.”

I laughed softly. “If you behave yourself, maybe I’ll let you stay over tonight.”

He arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the idea, his hand settling on my lower back as he led me from the room.

He seemed to have a particular fondness for placing his hand there.

We went back down to the party, where the hotel employees appeared to be significantly drunker than they had been an hour ago. Shay’s arm slid around my waist, holding me close as we headed toward the table where Rhys and the others were still enjoying themselves. Several more people had now joined them, and I turned in Shay’s hold, gazing up at him.

“Do you know any of those people?” I asked.

He glanced their way, then shrugged, which I took to mean, Not particularly.

“Want to get out of here instead?” I went on, and if the look in his eyes was anything to go by, he was on board with the idea.

Taking my hand, he continued toward the table. He tapped Rhys on the shoulder and returned the key card for the penthouse. They exchanged a few words in sign language, and I tried hard to translate, but it was difficult. I got the barest gist of Shay telling Rhys we were leaving. His cousin glanced my way, then back to Shay as he nodded. Then Shay was taking my hand once more and leading me outside.

Luckily, there were two taxis idling by the hotel entrance waiting for customers. Shay and I climbed into the first, and I told the driver my address. In the backseat, Shay’s arm slid snugly around my waist, our thighs touching as we sat close together. I felt his thumb brush back and forth over the curve of my hip as the driver glanced at us through his middle mirror.

“Good night?” he asked.

“It was pretty good,” I replied and felt rather than saw Shay’s grin as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. When we arrived at my flat, Shay insisted on paying for the fare, even when I tried to chip in. He wouldn’t hear it, though, and my chest fluttered at the gentlemanly gesture. It was late, almost midnight, and the idea of him staying over had my heart racing. We didn’t even need to do anything, just lying in bed in his arms would be enough.

When we got inside, I switched on the light and slipped off my shoes before going to turn on the heating. “Sorry it’s so chilly,” I said, turning back to Shay. “These old buildings can take a while to warm up, and the radiator by my bed isn’t working. Can I get you anything? Some tea?”

Shay shook his head and closed the distance between us. He pressed his cheek to mine, and my breathing turned ragged. His arms slid around my waist, and he just held me. Emotion clogged my throat, but I understood his need to be close because I felt it, too.

Tonight, we’d told each other I love you. Shay might’ve said it to past girlfriends, but I’d never uttered it to another soul. It was a big deal, so big in fact I’d almost forgotten we were now in an official relationship. Shay was my boyfriend. Mine. My heart fluttered just thinking about it.

He made me feel wanted.

“I’m going to make us a hot water bottle,” I said, pulling away slightly. “Why don’t you go get under the covers?” Shay’s expression smouldered, and I pressed my lips together to keep from grinning. “To stay warm, I mean. Also, your big body will heat up the bed in no time, which means I won’t have to suffer the cold sheets.”

Amused by my reasoning, he pressed a kiss to my cheek, then stepped back. I went to put the kettle on to fill up the hot water bottle. Standing by the counter, I turned back around and fought a blush because Shay was undressing. His jacket, shirt and tie were gone, leaving his very distracting chest bare while he worked on his belt. I swallowed thickly, having a hard time looking away. It was difficult to focus on filling the bottle, and when I was done, Shay was in my bed, under the covers.