At last, he kissed me tenderly then fell to his side, pulling me with him. Shay nestled his face in the crook of my neck, his body cradling mine. I felt lovingly surrounded, and though I knew we couldn’t stay there indefinitely, I allowed myself a few minutes to enjoy the warm glow.

That was how his love made me feel, like my skin was glowing from within.

Tendrils of contentment began to spread throughout my body. Shay made me feel chosen, safe. He made me feel like he’d be happy for me to crawl inside his heart and make a home for myself. It was something I’d never experienced before. To be wanted so completely was a new and unusual sensation. It healed some of the wounds that had festered for most of my life. Sealed over the cracks and closed them up.

I kissed his jaw, then rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. There was a circular light, a modern design that looked like a halo. It glowed from above like I was glowing from within.

Both of us lay in silence, our breaths slowly evening out. I could fall asleep, but I knew it was a bad idea. We couldn’t stay in that room all night. I was pretty sure we weren’t even supposed to be in there.

Shay turned onto his side, and I felt his eyes trace my profile. He leaned in and kissed my temple, then the side of my neck. I shivered as his lips continued their journey along my collarbone. Finally, he reached for my hand, pressing his mouth to my pulse point, his eyes on mine before he rose from the bed. He strode across the room to the bathroom, and I couldn’t look away, my breathing quick, gaze raking down his naked back, the toned muscles moving beneath his olive skin. He closed the door, and I heard the tap turn on. He emerged a minute later, and I sat up, my skin heating at the way his gaze devoured me.

“Do you know where the hotel stores clean sheets? I feel like we should change these,” I said, guilt nagging at me. We hadn’t gotten under the covers, but I felt bad about allowing the next guests to sleep on sheets we’d just had sex on top of.

Shay’s expression softened, and he nodded, coming to kiss me once again before he began to dress. He’d just finished buttoning up his shirt when his eyes returned to me. They heated in a way that made me suspect he was thinking of tearing off the clothes he’d just put on and taking me a second time. A pleasant shiver tiptoed down my spine. But then he motioned for me to stay put and left the room, presumably going in search of the sheets I asked for.

Climbing from the bed, I gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up and dress. I emerged just as Shay returned carrying a new set of sheets for the bed. Quietly, we worked together to strip off the old sheets and replace them with the new ones. I was adept at changing bedsheets, and Shay was a good helper, so we made quick work of it.

When we were done, he left with the sheets we’d stripped off, presumably bringing them to a laundry shoot. He also emptied out the bin from the bathroom, making sure to leave the room exactly as we’d found it.

While he was gone, I gave my appearance one last check in the mirror. I didn’t want Rhys and the others to suspect what we’d done, though we’d been gone for over an hour, so they were probably going to suspect it anyway.

Shay returned just as I was slipping my heels back on. His eyes lowered to my feet, a tendril of desire in their warm depths before they slowly travelled up my legs. Now that I knew what it felt like to have him inside me, his looks were far more affecting. All he had to do was glance my way, and I was a pool of melted ice.

I noticed his tie was still discarded on the floor, so I bent to pick it up.

Walking towards him, I said, “You forgot this.”

Then I reached up, gently sliding it around his neck. Shay stood still, his eyes on me as I fixed the tie into place. It brought me close to him, so close his scent invaded me, and a flash of what we’d just done, our limbs entangled, entered my mind. The tiny hairs on my arms stood on end as pleasant shivers seized me. Shay lifted his hand, his thumb brushing over my lower lip, and I inhaled sharply.

That level of sexual attraction between two people was surely dangerous. I felt like we could forget our lives, our responsibilities, and just lose ourselves in one another.