I wasn’t like that. If I grew apart from someone, then I let them go. And I’d let her go. I had no interest in returning to the past, and if I saw her, and she tried to convince me to be friends, I’d have to be rude and say no. Then her eyes would grow watery, her lip might tremble, and I’d feel like a piece of shit for rejecting her olive branch.

My attention returned to Maggie. If I told her about Emer and how I didn’t want to run into her, then she might think it was because I was lying about being over her. So, I made an impulsive decision when I caught her wrist, sending her a look of apology as I showed her a message on my phone.

I just remembered Dad said he was cooking dinner for me, and he hates wasting food.

I didn’t enjoy lying to her and regretted it immediately. As always, it took a while for her to read my message. The people and traffic on the street were too noisy for me to simply use the text to speech app, and I’d already stowed away my air pods. Anxiety thrummed through me, and it was the first time I’d ever felt impatient about her inability to read quickly. I immediately hated myself for the reaction. Maggie glanced up then, handing me back the phone and saying, “That’s fine. I can cook for you some other time.”

The complete understanding and trust on her face caused guilt to stab me in the gut. She had zero suspicions I was lying. I sent her a regretful look because I wanted nothing more than to spend the evening with her again, but I had to get away before—

“Shay, is that you?” a gentle voice asked, and I grimaced, turning to find the woman I’d gone out of my way to avoid the past year standing before me.



A willowy brunette stood in front of Shay. Her brown eyes were wide with surprise while his clouded in what looked like discomfort. It didn’t take too many brain cells to piece it all together. She wore a store uniform, and the name tag on her fleece that read “Emer” tipped me off. Shay had made an excuse to leave when he realised where I was headed, and now, it all made sense.

His ex worked there.

She signed something to him, and he signed back. Immediately, I felt out of the loop with no means of deciphering what they were saying. Shay’s attention was on her, and though I suspected he hadn’t wanted to run into her, he was being polite and making conversation. I knew it was ridiculous, but a tendril of jealousy reared its head. I was developing feelings for Shay, and I would’ve gone happily to my grave without ever running into one of his exes.

Shay signed something else to her, motioning in my direction, and she turned to me. “I’m so sorry. We’re being rude. I take it you don’t know sign language?”

“Afraid not,” I replied, mustering a smile as I sensed a hint of satisfaction in her. She liked having that one over on me, it seemed. “I’m Maggie.”

Emer bobbed her head, taking me in as though trying to add up our differences and decide if I was a step up or a step down from her. I didn’t judge her for it. We all had fragile egos when it came to past relationships and the people our exes moved on with. Then again, if I was with someone as amazing as Shay, I’d never throw it away on something as pointless and frivolous as a one-night stand.

So, maybe I was judging her a little bit.

“It’s nice to meet you, Maggie,” she said. “I’m Emer. Shay and I … we used to go out.”

“Yes,” I replied. “He’s mentioned you.” I hoped that didn’t sound bitchy. As much as I was jealous of her history with Shay, there was nothing to be gained by being mean.

Shay came and stood close to me, surprising me when he signed something to Emer, then slid his arm around my waist. “Oh,” she said, glancing between the two of us. “Well, I’ll leave you to your shopping, then. I’ve just finished my shift, so I need to be getting home.” She paused, reaching out to squeeze Shay’s arm, which I did not like one bit. I needed to cop myself on. We’d been spending time together, but it wasn’t like I had any ownership over him. “It was great running into you, Shay. Don’t be a stranger, yeah?”

He looked conflicted, not responding as an awkward moment ensued. Emer looked disappointed before she turned on her heel and left. I glanced at Shay, eyebrows raised. “So, that’s why you were so eager to leave.”