“I’m so sorry, honey,” I say.

She reaches for the sticky pad. Then she looks at me. I close the file to return it to the drawer I found it in.

I get the feeling Trev has never gone through this information. I wouldn’t have been able to stop him today if he knew all of this. My head is still spinning.

“What were you planning to do?” Jess asks as she fingers the address.

“Beat the dog shit out of her. Just like I promised,” I deadpan.

“I have keys to the old house. I can let you in. It doesn’t look like my favor will be answered.”

I blink at her in confusion, not knowing what she’s talking about. What favor? I shake the thought off. I could use the keys.

“I’ll drive, but you stay in the car.”

“I’m okay with that. I don’t ever want to see her again. We should set the place on fire with her in it.”

I look at her and lift a brow, trying to figure out if she’s joking. It’s not hard to imagine that she’s not. I’ve heard her say she feels like nothing because of what her mama has done.

My anger only rises as I think of her words once spoken. Yeah, I’m not going to sleep until I whoop this woman’s ass. That’s for sure.


I Called Death


As I got dressed to sneak out with Jess, something nagged at me to call Rita. I’ve learned that stealth operations are a part of her skills. I want to hand out an ass whipping, not get busted and arrested.

When I made the call, I wasn’t expecting her to send Val instead. I’m taken off guard as she meets us at the back door of the house as Jess unlocked the door.

I’m even more thrown by the way she’s dressed. Val has on a black dress and black red bottoms, looking more like she’s dressed for a business lunch than to help me sneak into a house to kick someone’s ass.

She also has a bag in her hand that looks like she’s making a home visit as a physician. I don’t ask any questions. My focus is on what I came here to do.

“I knew I liked you,” Val says as we step into the house.

“She’s not home yet,” Jess says. “Do you still want me to wait in the car?”

“No, you stay with us,” Val says before I can answer. “We don’t need anyone spotting you.”

“Makes sense,” I murmur.

And this is why I called Rita. I don’t know why she sent Val in her stead, but I get the feeling she knows the ins and outs just as well. I trust Rita wouldn’t steer me wrong.

“When I say I will do something. I mean it,” Val says to Jess.

“Yes, ma’am but she deserves this too.”

“Yes, I was given a copy of the file this evening. Uri and I will have a long conversation about why I’m just learning of these things,” Val replies.

Val looks me over. Then she points to my bag. “And what are you up to?”

“You will see. I’m gonna dog walk her Texas style. She’s gonna learn I’m not playing with her. It’s one thing to try to fuck with my life. It’s another to jeopardize the lives of the people I care about,” I seethe. “If she would have hurt those babies …”

“Yes, this I understand. I wanted to put a bullet in her skull when she stepped her drunk ass out of that car spewing bullshit,” Val hisses.

“I just want to know why? Why lie to my daddy all these years? Why target you and your family? Why is she so cruel and crazy?” Jess sobs.

“Every time he tries to leave her, she pulls more bullshit. She doesn’t love him or any of us. This isn’t about love in the least. It’s about her having control and being the center of everyone’s attention,” she continues.

“Well, she’ll get all the attention she wants now,” Val says in amusement.

I move to the front of the house and start to get ready. Catching on to what I’m trying to do, Val hands me and Jess gloves and helps me to set up. When we’re done, she laughs and lifts a brow.

“I was right, you are one of us,” she muses.

I shrug her words off and go to settle in the seat I left to face the door. We’ve been moving around in the dark, using the light from the streetlights and moon streaming into the window.

“No, Collen, I’m not apologizing to anyone. Do you have those bonds or not? I need them by the morning to cash them in.

“Just do what I told you to do. Stop with all the fucking excuses. If I get jammed up because of your incompetence and sniveling, I’m going to do a whole lot more than stop calling you. Get this shit done,” she slurs into her phone as she walks into the house.