I knock back a glass of brandy and swallow as my thoughts ramble. A storm must be coming in. That’s when my body aches most like this.

I thank God I haven’t been having those headaches anymore. I haven’t had one since the divorce. I sit back at my desk in the study and turn to face the window.

The night seems clear, but I know that can change in the blink of an eye. My thoughts go to the file in my desk. Although LaSalle handed the thing over to me, I haven’t opened it.

“Leave the past in the past, Trev,” I mutter to myself.

Lynn is here. She’s my fiancée and in three months, she’ll be home for good. Nothing good will come from knowing what’s in that file.

I should burn it and forget it even existed. I’ve thought to do that a number of times since he handed it over, but something always stops me. I turn to glare at the drawer it’s in.

“Fuck it,” I murmur and reach to pull the drawer to destroy the file.

“Trev, honey?”

I look up to find a sleepy-looking Lynn with her head poked into the room. She looks so gorgeous—bonnet on her head, a silk robe tied around her body. I can’t believe I’m able to get hard again.

File forgotten, I stand. “I’m coming, darlin’. Let’s get you back to bed.”


Strike Three


My baby girl is finally eighteen. I’ve been missing her and Cakes over the last few weeks. They’re out on tour. I’m not surprised at all that Jess has decided to take a year off from college.

Her summer grades were excellent, but I’ve always had the feeling college wasn’t where her heart was. I want her to follow her heart in whatever she does.

“Here they come,” Jordan calls out as her little legs carry her into the barn, we’re all waiting in on the Monroe ranch.

I shh everyone and we all get into place. The sound of the SUVs pulling up outside fills in the silence. I grind my teeth a bit as I think of the fact that Scoot and Snacks aren’t here yet.

Donna decided to pop up out the blue to take them overnight. I had Bam with me. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to spend a day together, just the two of us.

We were on our way home when Scoot called me, annoyed that his Mama showed up at my parents’ place to pick them up. Not only did he not want anything to do with his mama, he’s been looking forward to Jess and Cakes coming home this weekend.

I had invited Donna because she was Jess’s mama, but I hadn’t expected her to come. It figures she’d be late and make this about her. Five more years, and I’ll be done with that woman. That is, if Bam holds out that long.

Scoot and Snacks are already over her. I almost went to pick them up last night, but my mama reminded me to allow her to try to mend fences with our twins. I tamp down my anger as Jess steps into the barn.

“Surprise,” everyone cheers.

From the look on Jess’s face, I know she already knew this was coming. She’s trying to feign shock, but I know her too well. Donna strikes again.

Cliff and I worked for almost a year to plan this day. Granted, I didn’t know it would turn out to be this many people. LaSalle and almost all the others have flown back in for this. We had to make a few adjustments to accommodate the crowd, but we worked hard from the beginning to reach out to her friends and tried to make it a surprise.

I know none of these kids told her. Her Uncle Collen was too happy to be involved to tell her. Cakes would never, so that only leaves my trifling, bitter, jealous ex-wife—her mama.

“Relax, I see it too. She’s still happy if she knew or not. Let’s make the best of it. This is a great turnout,” Cliff says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

I walk over and pull Jess into a hug. “Happy birthday, baby girl,” I say spinning her around in my arms.

“Thanks, Daddy. This is awesome. You didn’t have to do all this for me.”

“I’d do it all again in a heartbeat, sugar. How’s the road been treating you?”

“I love it. I’m learning so much, and the traveling is great. Tiring but great,” she says.

“Come on over here and give your Uncle Cliff a hug. I feel like I haven’t seen you in years, bug.”

“Lord, I’m happy that name never stuck,” Jess giggles.

“That’s because you’re my little bug,” Cliff croons as he scoops her up in a hug much like mine.

Cliff places her back on her feet and they walk off to begin greeting guests. That’s when I focus my attention on the gorgeous woman who takes my breath away. She’s dressed in a pair of tight jeans with tears in the thigh and knee, a sheer top, wedged heeled boots, and a leather jacket.