“Love like that takes you as you are, but it will heal so much when you’re patient with it. That type of love breathes life back into dead things. I don’t think she’ll give up on you.

“You’re doing that to yourself. If you want to fight, fight, but don’t blame that chair. Your love brought y’all through miracles before. Maybe this is just a reminder that it can again,” I finish.

“Thank you, Trevor. That was very insightful. Blunt but true. Tommy, I do believe you’re setting anchors and boundaries that are impeding your course. Your wife has expressed she’s still in love with you.”

“She has?” Tommy says with hope in his eyes.

“Yes, she has. It’s time you become whole in here”—she points to her temple—“before you can become whole in here—” she points to her heart—“The rest … time will tell,” she says softly.

“I think I’m ready to start the couples’ sessions,” he murmurs.

“That’s great news. See Lieutenant Parker on your way out today. He will set up the appointment,” Dr. Winsor says.

Tommy nods, and Dr. Winsor ends the session. I grab my water bottle and get ready to head out. I want to get some work done on the studio this afternoon.

Tommy rolls his chair in front of me before I can walk away. Seeing he has something he wants to say to me, I reclaim my seat. He stares at me for a moment as if thinking through his words.

“I wanted to thank you. No one gives it to me straight anymore. It’s like they feel my feelings are a handicap too,” he finally says.

“If you can’t see the truth, you can’t see the solution. You already know what you want. Now it’s time to go for it.”

“Does that mean you’re going to go buy a ring? I wouldn’t let that opportunity hang in the air after all you’ve been through,” he says.

I look down at my water bottle and allow his words to sink in. Why haven’t I bought a ring and proposed? I know I want to marry Lynn. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.

I look up into Tommy’s eyes. “Thanks. You’re right. We can’t allow fear to keep us from happiness,” I say and stand, patting him on his shoulder as I walk by and leave him with that final thought.


“Well, son. What’s the plan?” my daddy says as he and Moses meet me in front of the store. I’d asked them to meet me there.

“I’m buying that engagement ring I should have bought years ago,” I say.

“It’s about darn time,” Moses croons.

“I asked you both here to help me pick the right one. It has to be special, but it has to be right,” I say.

“I understand exactly what you mean. Come on, let’s see what they’ve got to offer,” Daddy says.

“I’m excited for my baby girl,” Moses says as he rubs his hands together.

I place a hand on his shoulder and give a gentle squeeze. It’s good to see him up and about. He looks so much better.

“I’m happy to have her home,” I say.


“Thanks for stopping by. I know how busy you must be,” I say to Cliff as I let him into the house.

“Not a problem at all. It’s good to see you, darlin’. How can I help? That cousin of mine treating you right?”

I laugh. “I think he’s doing his best.”

“He better be.”

I walk us over to the kitchen and take out some sweet tea to pour two glasses. Cliff has a seat as he looks around. I place a glass in front of him, then move to take the seat beside him.

“How about you? How have you been treating yourself?”

“I’m getting along fine.”

“Do you still miss her?”

“Every single day.”

“Oh, Cliff. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you more.”

He reaches to cover my hand and looks into my eyes. I can see the pain resting in his. There’s so much pain and sadness.

“You’ve been doing just what Pook would have wanted. She’d be so proud of you. Neither of us would have wanted you to be worried about this old fool.”

“You’re no fool, Cliff. What you’ve done with that ranch is amazing. I know she would be proud of you too.

“You’re such a handsome man. I don’t think my sister would have wanted this for you. What about having a family?”

“Cakes, you ain’t been around so you wouldn’t know this. Trevor gave me a family. I’ve helped raise his kids.

“Until recently, Jess and I were thick as thieves. I love those four as if they were my own. I still miss your sister and wish we’d had a chance to live our lives together, but I’m all right.

“Let me ask you something,” he says.

“Okay, go on.”

“In the last twenty years, have you met anyone who could replace Trev?”


“Well, there you have it. There isn’t anyone who could replace Brooke for me. I’ve become content with other loves.