“It is a good thing I brought my air horn too. I’m going to make noise anyway I can for you boys.”

Bam’s face lights up. “Did you guys see Mama yet? She promised to come,” he says hopefully.

I rock my jaw and force my temper down. I hadn’t known he invited his mama, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Bam still wants Donna’s affection.

My youngest son has been holding out hope that his mama will change. Where the rest of us see her for who she is and will always be, Bam sees the mother he wants to care for him.

That’s what made me so angry when he expressed how he didn’t want to like Lynn. He understands his mama is heartless, but he doesn’t get that there’s no switch that’s going to flip to change her.

“No, I haven’t seen her,” I bite out more harshly than I mean to.

Lynn places a hand on my back and begins to rub it. I swear, this woman is an anchor to my sanity. My reasons for loving her have grown with each day.

“Oh, okay. I guess, I’ll see her after the game. I’m excited to be going home. I miss y’all,” Bam says and peeks at Lynn for her reaction.

“We missed you guys too. I’m excited to help y’all decorate your new rooms,” she says.

The way my son’s face lights up makes me fall in love all over again with this woman. She has opened her heart to my children without any hesitation. When I see my future, it’s with her and my little family.

“Lynn, they need you for the anthem,” Matthew says.

“Oh, okay.”

She turns to me and lifts on her toes to peck my lips. I want to take her lips and deepen the kiss but think better of it. Instead, I bite my lips and I stare at her lips.

“I’ll find you after. Save me a seat,” she says with a smile. “I love you, handsome.”

I place a hand on her hips and flex my fingers against her before dipping in for one more kiss. I make it quick then peck her forehead.

“I love you too, darlin’. Kick ‘em dead.”

I watch as she walks away in those tight jeans and cowboy boots. She has on a T-shirt with Monroe and my old number on the back. I smile and shake my head.

I got damn lucky to get her back into my life. I’ve been insatiable when it comes to her. I could blame it on years of lack of sex, but I’ll be honest. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of Lynn.

“You look lovesick, mate,” I turn to find Uri watching me.

“Been crazy about that woman for years. I’m love something when it comes to her.”

He laughs. “Come on. Sit with us. I hear you were once quite the player. Sorry to hear about the accident.”

“I hadn’t planned to play before the accident. I had what it took physically, but I wasn’t there mentally. It wasn’t in my heart,” I reply as we move for the bleachers.

Now that I’m paying attention, LaSalle and many of the others are taking up an entire section. I give a nod to everyone and take my seat, leaving one for Cakes.

However, as I settle in, Sammy, LaSalle’s son, comes to sit in Cakes’ seat. The kid intrigues me, so I don’t say anything. Instead, I observe him.

I note Caleb’s brother is here. He’s sitting on the other side of Sammy, and that’s who Sammy is focused on. Cameron, that’s his name.

I have twins, but they’re not identical. Neither are Brad and Ann. It’s crazy to see how much Cameron and his brother look alike. He even looks stressed out like his brother.

Sammy reaches to place his hand in Camron’s. Cameron looks down at the boy and lifts a brow. He then gives him a warm smile.

“Hey little guy,” he says.

“You’re worried about them. DR has taken you away from them again. Don’t worry, they’re not happy you left to come take care of your brother.

“They will release you before the week is out. You know what you want to do, go with that. It will work out in your favor. You can have the family you want. You don’t have to keep questioning yourself,” Sammy says to Cameron, who’s now looking at him with a baffled expression.

He then looks around as if he’s being pranked. I know the feeling. Sammy then stands and goes to sit next to Tasha as if nothing happened.

“What the fuck?” Cameron murmurs to himself, reaching to rub the back of his neck.

Well, damn.


“Oh no, your voice,” Jess says.

As promised, Bam made the first touchdown pass. He’s good and so is Scoot. I screamed and carried on so much my throat is raw.

“It will be fine. I’ll have some tea later,” I reply.