“I’ve done a lot in my career. Most of the things I’ve always wanted to do. That’s all Trev ever wanted for me. If standing by him now means I get burned, set me on fire.”
“Okay, baby girl. If this is what you want, let’s do a crash course on how you’re going to spin this. He’s not the victim. She is.”
I snort but sit and listen while Matt prepares me for what might come. I work out my anger as we sit waiting so it doesn’t show on my face. I’m the darlin’ from Texas.
My fans will come to Trevor’s aid. We just need to show the world who he really is. He’s a loving, caring father, and business owner.
“And now you have your reason for being in Texas,” Matt says when he’s done prepping me.
“Good, two birds with one stone. They won’t bother Daddy, and I can squash what this woman thinks she’s up to.”
I can’t believe my mama is doing this. She knows all the consequences of these actions. She’s just being selfish.
What she didn’t take account for was the consequences of her past actions. I’m not going to let her railroad my daddy like this. He’s all we have.
She doesn’t care enough to take care of my siblings if something happens to Daddy. That responsibility would fall on me. I’m not saying Daddy was right in choking her the way he did, but I get it.
I want to shake the shit out of that woman. I don’t understand how she can keep hurting the people she claims to love. I learned a long time ago she only loves money and things.
Us people don’t matter to her. We’re pawns for her to use to get what she wants. Once you have no value to her, she tosses you aside. Well, not today.
“Mrs. Val.”
Valentina Donati turns her blue eyes on me. I still remember the first time I met her. Her entire family has blue eyes. Her husband and her little brown children.
I didn’t know if hers were natural at first. Now as she stands staring back at me, I have no doubt. I’m grateful when her steely gaze turns to one of recognition and warmth.
“Jessica, right?” she says.
“Yes, ma’am. Do you remember telling me if I needed help to come to you?”
“Yes, I do. The Mairetties are already getting your father released.”
“I know, ma’am. I have something else I want to tell you. Something that should make her go away and leave us all alone.”
Val lifts one of her well-arched brows. “Call me Val, Jess. We are family. Come take a walk with me.” She turns to the handsome Black man. “Nate, I’m going to take a walk with Jess real quick.”
The man nods. I give him a smile. He returns it with a warm one.
Okay, friendly but dangerous. I get that vibe from Val and her husband too. It’s been two years since I first met them, but they have always been nice to me.
I sigh in relief as we step outside and Val leads me to a waiting car. I can finally say these words out loud and not hold this burden all by myself.
“Talk to me, little Bella. But be sure you want me to know whatever it is you’re about to say. Once I know, I can’t unknow it and I will respond accordingly.
“You’re a smart girl. You understand what I’m saying, yes?” she says as she ducks her head to catch my eyes.
I nod. I know what I’m doing. I’ve thought this all out.
We deserve revenge for what was done to us. My dad was already hurting. She had no right to do this to him. I want Donna to pay for what she’s done.
“Trevor Monroe isn’t my biological father. Cliff Monroe is. I don’t know how she did it, but I have a DNA reconstruction test to prove it.
“She’s trying to ruin his life again. The woman he loves is back, and she’s doing this to punish them. She pulled them apart once using me and countless other lies including a letter that broke his love’s heart.
“My birth father is such a sweet man. I’m so glad he’s been in my life since I was a baby, but this is still so wrong. I feel like nothing.
“I don’t know who I am. I don’t want to hurt either of my dads. My birth one or the one who raised me. I’ve been used to hurt them so much already,” I sob.
Val moves closer to me and wraps her arm around me. She coos as she rubs a hand over my head. I sink into her warmth and sweet scent.
Like with Cakes, I feel the motherly love I’ve never felt from my own. I know in my heart I just did the right thing. Donna Lancaster needs to answer for her crimes.