
I swipe at my tears and take a step back before they notice me. Trevor is an amazing man. I love how he just handled that situation.

After talking to Jess last night, my heart was so heavy for her. I understand her and what she’s been going through so much more.

I climb into bed and close my eyes, trying to fall back to sleep. It was a long night. I snuggle deeper into the sheet.

“And I’d do it again,” I murmur to myself.


Locked In


Cliff has sat speechless since Jess blurted out that he’s her father. I know this comes as a shock. I’d be just as confused as he looks if I were him.

Yes, we could pass for siblings, but this doesn’t make sense. If I didn’t hear how it was done, I wouldn’t believe it myself. The damn truth is, he was raped.

I haven’t told Jess that part, she feels bad enough as it is. Jess looks between the two of us, looking defeated. I snap into action seeing that she’s about to crumble.

“Cliff, you all right?”

He shakes his head as if to clear it. “I just … how? Bug, my reaction isn’t about you. I … uh. At the time you were conceived I couldn’t … I wouldn’t … Aw, hell. Trev, help me,” Cliff strummers.

“I understand. You lost Auntie Pook. You didn’t want anyone else. You weren’t sexually active so you’re confused on how you could be my daddy.

“I never found that part out, but I get the feeling you were violated somehow the same night daddy was tricked. Your sperm was then used to impregnant Donna, creating me.

“Think about it. For years, people who didn’t know our family thought you were my daddy. Others swore that I look just like Daddy. I got almost all the Monroe genes, so it wasn’t a hard sell.”

Tears start to fall down Cliff’s cheeks. I swallow hard, trying to hold in my own. He looks at Jess and cups her face.

“I thought I never wanted children of my own if they weren’t with Brooke. In my hurt and anger, I had a vasectomy. Then you were born a few weeks later, and I regretted that decision.

“Not that I thought I would ever find someone to love as much as I did her. I just envied Trev for having such a special gift. A little part of himself,” Cliff says.

He pulls his hand back and looks down into his palms. I can see a wide range of emotions cross his face now that the color is returning. It all seems to be sinking in. He rubs at his palm with his thumb as he continues.

“I’m still processing all of this, but the one thing I know already is that I’m a proud daddy. I wouldn’t have made it if you didn’t come into my life. I know I wouldn’t be here.

“You are the best thing to happen to me in this world even before I knew you were my daughter. You remind me so much of Pook. You have a heart like hers.

“I used to imagine you were ours and Trev was helping me out because we lost her after she had you. I don’t know what happened to me to get you here, but I’m so happy to have you. I don’t ever want you to think I don’t want you or don’t love you.

“I’m probably gonna go through a lot of changes as I process this, but one thing ain’t gonna change. I’m your father and I love you. I can’t replace the daddy Trev has been, but I hope to get to be a daddy to you now. If you want me,” Cliff says.

Jess launches herself at him. He hugs her tightly and they sob together. I feel like I should leave. I go to stand and give them some privacy, but Cliff’s words halt my steps.

“Don’t you go nowhere. I ain’t doing this by myself. It’s always been the three of us. That ain’t about to change. Get on over here.”

I turn back around to find them both looking at me with their arms out. I smile and go to join their hug as they pull me in. I’m happy for them.

Like I said, she will always be my baby girl, but she has an amazing father. Cliff will be there for her more than ever now. I can guarantee that. We all will.

“I have something for you,” Jess says as we all return to our seats.

She reaches into her bag and pulls out the gift box I gave her for her birthday. She hands it to Cliff with shaky hands. He takes it with a smile and opens it up.

Once the box is open, he then looks up at Jess. She holds up the other half around her neck.