I have to admit, the tour has been quiet without Maggie. She tends to keep things lively when she’s around. Maggie and Elise have kept their promises over the years.

They’re not only two of my best friends and like big sisters. They both work for me and help me to keep my life going. Everything worked out perfectly once they both graduated and decided to join me in New York.

At times, it’s like having a good angel and a bad angel perched on my shoulders whispering in my ears. They like to switch roles on who’s who depending on the topic. My friends like to keep me on my toes.

“Hey, Maggie, good to see you,” Matthew says as he walks up beside me and places a hand on my back.

“Matthew,” she breathes and bats her lashes.

If I wasn’t so upset about my daddy, I would burst into laughter. Maggie has been crushing on Matthew for years. I would love to see them together, but Matthew’s wounds seem to keep him from seeing that she’s interested.

Or she just might not be his type. They both work for me, so I’ve never tried to stick my nose in their business. I couldn’t afford to lose either of them.

Maggie may have a backup, but she’s still the best at what she does, and Giorgio takes all his cues from her. I’d be devastated to lose Matthew and don’t think I could bring myself to try to replace him. I shudder at the thought.

“Okay, okay. I love you all, but I’m exhausted. Can we all get in the cars and head to the hotel?” Elise says tiredly as she drags her luggage to the trunk of the waiting SUV.

“By the way, what’s with the hotel? Why aren’t you staying at the ranch?” Maggie asks innocently.

“I’m here for my daddy. He’s in the hospital. There’s no need for me to go to the ranch. Besides, if anyone gets wind of my presence in town, I don’t want all that drama on the ranch. You know those guys will camp out to get any pics they can,” I say.

“I guess that makes sense.”

“I still think it would have made more sense for me to coordinate security at the ranch. I don’t like this hotel business either,” Elise grumbles for the millionth time.

“I heard you the first time, but this is what I want. I’m not going anywhere near the ranch if I don’t have to.”

“Whatever. Right now, I don’t care if you sleep in baby Jesus’s manger. I want to get to my bed and get some sleep,” she replies.

Maggie snickers as she climbs into the SUV behind me and Elise. Matthew brings up the rear and closes the door before we take off.

“Okay, now that you’ve spoken up,” Maggie starts, looking at Elise. “Why aren’t you going home? What’s your excuse?”

“My boss needs me close. I’ll be wherever she is for the remainder of this trip. Don’t go there, Maggie. I’m not in the mood.”

Maggie throws her hands up. “Just curious. Don’t bite my head off. You can’t fault me for asking.”

“Hush it up. You’re way too perky for this time of night,” Elise mutters.

“It’s called a red eye for a reason, grumpy.”

To be honest, their bickering is comforting in this moment. I can always count on their banter bringing a smile to my face even when I don’t want to. Removing my shades and black scarf, I place them in my bag and settle into my seat.

I close my eyes and relax in for the ride to the hotel. My exhausted body is ready for a few hours of sleep. I’ll have to wait until the morning for visiting hours as it is. I’m so nervous about what I will find.

I actually nod off for a bit. It’s as Matthew covers my hand with his and gives a gentle squeeze that I wake and slowly open my eyes. I blink a few times and glance around me.

“We’re here. Let’s get you checked in,” he says softly.

I turn to him and give him a warm smile. As Wilson, the head of my security, opens the door for me to climb out, I get out sleepily. Matthew lingers back as he tries to wake Elise. Maggie hops out and follows me into the hotel.

I’m more than relieved to see the empty lobby. There’s a guard to the far right and a young girl behind the reception desk. She’s a pretty little thing.

Her dimples are one of the first things to stand out as she greets us with a smile. Her gaze lands on me, and that smile brightens as her greenish blue eyes light up.

I freeze and knit my brows. It feels like my heart is crumbling within my chest. Her smile, her eyes, I shake away my thoughts. I’m projecting. I’m sure I am.