“Darlin’, I wouldn’t have charged you or your daddy a dime. You wanted those estimates. As far as the crew, the guys are happy for the work, and I have more than enough staff.”
“You’re already doing so much. You don’t have to finish the basement at the house too.”
“So we’re about to have our first fight?” I say with a grin.
“If I would have known you were going to start to build a studio for me, I wouldn’t have mentioned it,” she says and folds her arms under her breasts.
“I left the space in case you wanted one. I didn’t build it out because I wanted your input as an artist. Otherwise, you would already have one. I want your dream house complete, so I’m finishing the basement, Cakes. Get over it, baby.”
“Tell me that when you can work the way you do for a week without needing to soak in Epson salt every night,” she sasses.
“I don’t need to soak every night. I just like having your naked body in the bath with me,” I toss back.
“Well, if that’s the case, next week is gonna suck for you.”
“And why is that?”
“It’s feeling like a shower week for me.”
“Good, I love shower sex. It’s a great stress reliever.”
“Do you use lotion or shower gel? I’ll make sure the shower is stocked.”
I allow the laughter I’ve been holding in to rumble out. She turns to glare at the side of my face. I park and turn to look at her.
“That wasn’t so bad. We’ve had worse,” I say and lean over to peck her lips. “Now that we’ve gotten our first fight out of the way, can we start our date?”
She pokes me in my dimple, then moves quickly to bite my nose. I laugh even harder.
“Did you just bite me?”
“Ah, there she is. My little brat.”
“I’m not trying to be a brat, Trev. I’m just concerned about how hard you work. Then you come home and give us all your attention even when it’s clear you’re tired. I love you. I want you to take care of yourself.”
“I’m fine. I love you too. That’s why I’m taking care of you and your needs and wants.”
“Promise me you’ll take some time off soon. We can get away if you want. I’ll take time too.”
“I’ll take some time once the ranch is complete. Are you sure you can take time to come away with me? What’s the word on the tour?”
She sighs and looks down into her lap. “Matt has bought me another month. I’ll be back on tour then. I’ll be doing my first few dates here in Texas for the first time. The dates are already sold out, which went a long way with the label granting me more time.
“I’ll be away for three months. That’s how long it will take to make up for the canceled dates. To be honest, I make more writing.
“I don’t have to tour for a while if I don’t want. I’m in contract for one more album. I can record that in the new studio when you’re done. Matt and I have been talking about my options from there.
“Podcasting has come up. Doing nothing is also an option. For the most part, three months and I’m home.”
“See you just admitted it. You need the studio,” I say and laugh as she frowns.
I peck her pretty lips and get out to round the truck and open her door. I help her out and lace our fingers together to lead her to the stable.
“Trev,” she says nervously.
“It’s all right, darlin’. I won’t force you to ride if you don’t want. There’s something here I want you to see.”
“Okay,” she murmurs.
Twenty years ago, I meant it when I said Cuore Selvaggio was hers. It took getting through some red tape, but I secured that horse and brought him here to give to her. I could never bring myself to sell him.
I’m glad I never did. Cuore Selvaggio’s children are among our prized horses. There was a time when he too brought us a few purses.
I bought two more Murgese horses to keep the breed going. Cuore Selvaggio’s bloodline specifically. It has always been my dream to reunite the two. If not Cuore Selvaggio, I would have given her one of his children.
It feels like divine intervention to be able to gift her the horse she fell in love with. My thoughts go to Sammy’s words. This was meant to be.
We get to Cuore Selvaggio’s stall, and Lynn freezes. She looks at him and then looks back at me. Cuore Selvaggio whines and lifts on his hind legs as if to greet her.
A gasp leaves her lips as his chest comes into view. I know just what she’s thinking. She knows this is the same horse. Her horse.
“Wild Heart? But how? That was twenty years ago,” she says just above a whisper.