All three women are gorgeous, but I won’t be fooled by that. They give off an air that’s undeniable. One thing I note right away—these women hold just as much power as the man I’m sitting with.

“Trevor,” Val sings as Uri and I stand to greet them.

She pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek. I return the embrace, not holding onto her for too long. When I met Uri and Val at Ellie’s fourth birthday party, we all gravitated toward each other.

I enjoyed talking to Val. However, I’m not about to incur the wrath of her husband. She pulls away and smiles up at me.

“I’d like you to meet Paige. She’s the lawyer I was telling you about. For now, she’s here to handle contracts for the deal. However, you have my number. She can do so much more while here,” Val says with a mischievous light in her eyes.

“Nice to meet you, Paige. That’s my youngest daughter’s name,” I say.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Trevor. I’ve heard so much about you,” she says knowingly.

Val takes a step back, then moves to Uri’s side. “I’d also like to introduce you to the reason we’re here. Meet Lasalle and Tasha Locatelli. This is Brad’s brother and a dear friend of mine, Trevor Monroe,” Val says.

The woman with the sharp gaze zones in on me. Her husband places a hand on her back and tugs her closer to his side. I turn my gaze to his.

His gray eyes are keen as well. The two read power couple. I don’t miss that he and Uri have on red ties with their black suits and dress shirts.

I reach my hand out. “It’s nice to meet, y’all. Thank you so much for coming all this way to meet me. With four children, it hasn’t been easy to take off for meetings.”

“No problem,” Lasalle says as he gives me a firm shake.

His wife is still staring at me as if she’s trying to see through me. I go to shake her hand as well, but she covers my hand with her other one after taking mine in hers and tugs me in close, leaning in.

I dip my head to allow her to get closer. “I’ve heard a lot about you. You have a temper, but you’re good at what you do. Your wife, she’s a problem.

“If she’s not careful, I’m going to solve her. Cody said to tell you hi and for you to fix it. You would know what he meant,” she whispers.

I pull away staring with my mouth hanging open. I haven’t seen Cody Billings in years. He never returned to Texas to live. From his mama, I know he’s been in New York still working for his mentor’s family.

Now that I think of it, my mama did mention he’s been in town handling some family business. Well, hell. Are all the ghosts returning? I have nothing but questions now.

“It’s nice to meet you, Trevor,” she says with a smile as she pulls away and looks me in the eyes knowingly.

Lasalle claps his hands. “Let’s get this lunch started. These ladies are dressed for New York. My brother will kill me if I allow his wife to melt before he arrives, and we know how Tasha gets when she’s sweaty and irritable,” he chuckles.

“A woman does what she must to look good at all times. You know this, Lasalle,” Val says in Italian, causing me to chuckle.

“Oh, you understood that?” Tasha asks with an amused smile. “That’s right, you’re fluent. Your father owns a horse ranch with Italian horses and other exotic breeds.”

“You did your homework,” I say impressed.

“I have. In fact, I want to see this ranch and meet this Cousin Cliff. My friend here and her sister love horses,” Tasha says pointing to Paige.

What doesn’t this woman know about me? I glance at her husband who has a proud smile on his lips. I finally allow it to set in that my little brother is in business with the type of people you don’t cross or piss off.

Which means, I’m aligning myself with the same type. From what I hear, to make things really happen in New York, I’m making the right connections.

Nico returns and makes his rounds to greet the women. I notice he sits beside Val. She begins to speak to him in Italian, and the smile on her face is telling. Nico means a lot to her.

I can’t help wondering if that’s the reason she took to me. Nico is the link between her and Brad. Brad is married to Nico’s wife’s best friend.

If not for my sister-in-law Tam, I wouldn’t have this opportunity. The waitress comes over and takes everyone’s order. I feel Lasalle’s and Tasha’s gazes on me the entire time.

“You think you can handle both branches?” Lasalle asks as the waitress leaves to put in our order.