“I was already on the way here to drop off his truck. Maybe I should keep trying Uncle Brad. This is so crazy,” she sobs.

“Come on inside. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of this. He’s going to be fine.”

He’ll be fine, but they might have to bail me out once I get my hands on that woman. After all she’s done, she would do this to their children. From what I’ve heard, it’s not like she would take them and take care of them if something were to happen to Trevor.

Just as I go to close the door, Elise pulls up in another SUV. Matthew, Wilson, and Maggie are all with her. Matthew steps out of the SUV with a concerned look on his face.

Wilson is looking around the property, I’m sure assessing what plan he’ll need to implement to keep us safe and prevent anyone from sneaking onto the property. I can’t even think about that right now. I need to get dressed and get to Trevor.

“What’s wrong?” Matthew asks snapping into action.

“Last night when we arrived at the Monroe ranch to see Trevor, we found him choking his ex-wife,” I start.

Matthew frowns. I know what he’s thinking. He’s not a fan of domestic abuse and doesn’t tolerant men putting their hands on women.

I shake my head. “He had just listened to “Words that Kill” and realized she sent me the letter he wrote to her. Everything that broke us apart was a lie. He snapped, but Jess and I arrived in time to calm him down.

“He went out to shop for food for us and to make breakfast. Jess just arrived to tell me he was arrested. I have to get to him. He has babies that need him,” I rush out.

“Where are the kids?” Elise asks.

“They’re home. I mean, Bam and Scoot are home. Snacks is still with Nanna. We don’t live that far. I was going to call an Uber back after I dropped the truck off,” Jess says as she comes up behind me.

“Give me the address. I’ll go get them. We don’t need any other problems,” Elise says.

“Good thinking,” Matt says. “You go on and get dressed. I can’t say this is a great idea, but I know you. This is what you want to do.”

“Oh God, thank you,” Jess breathes as her phone rings.

Maggie is already dragging my suitcases toward the door. Seeing this, Matthew takes them from her and hauls them into the house for her. I wave for him to follow me so he can place them in my room.

Maggie is hot on our heels. Jess is speaking a mile a minute as she follows us. However, I believe she’s moving on autopilot.

“Okay, I’ll meet you there. Thanks, Uncle Brad.”

I turn to look at Jess as she hangs up. She looks to be on the verge of tears. I’m shaking with rage.

“Uncle Brad says Daddy’s lawyers are still in town and they will take care of this. What if she ruins our family more? She’s such a liar and a bitch. Daddy has done nothing but take care of us and love us.

“Shoot. I want to strangle her my darn self. How can she be this way? She has to be stopped.”

“Here put this on. We’re going Olivia Pope-meets-Whitney Houston in Bodyguard,” Maggie says pointing to the clothes she has laid out for me.

“I’ll step out and see what I can find out,” Matt says.

I don’t think twice. I grab the clothes and start to dress. Once I have the gray slacks and navy-blue silk blouse on, I slip my feet into the satin navy-blue heels.

I get the Bodyguard reference as I pick up the lightweight hooded navy-blue cape. This should do to conceal my identity. I toss it on, not wanting to waste any more time. We rush from the room.

“I’ll fix that head in the car,” Maggie says as she rushes after me.

I couldn’t care less at the moment. My appearance is the furthest thing from my mind. Jess pulls Trevor’s truck into the garage as Elise pulls up in the SUV.

She hops out with two of the cutest little boys. They look so much like Trev when he was their age. Jess ruffles their hair and pulls them each into a hug, one by one.

“We’ll be right back. You guys don’t give Miss Elise any trouble, all right?” she says.

“Is that LG? What’s she doing here? How do you know her?” The youngest-looking one asks with awe in his eyes.

“She’s a friend. I’ll tell you more later, but we have to go,” Jess says quickly as the rest of us pile into the car.

Maggie pulls a towel and water bottle out of thin air and begins to spray my curls and brush through them. I sit nervously biting my nails. I can’t believe this is happening. I wish he would have just stayed in bed with me.