“I don’t think I should come back the hotel. That will only create a greater chance they’ll find where we’re staying. I want you guys to coordinate with Trev to get this done today,” I reply.

“So we’re just going to gloss over the fact that you’ve been gone all night,” Elise hisses.

“We don’t have to gloss over it, but I’m not talking about it over speaker phone with Matt listening in. You want to talk about it, we can talk when you get here.”

“Fine, did you guys at least make up?”

“He didn’t write that letter to me.”

She gasps on the other end. “I knew it. I told you there was no way. Ugh, let me get these guys going so we can get there,” she says excitedly.

“Lynn, we’ll head over to check the place out in a bit. We’ll be out of this place by tonight for sure. You need anything else?”

“I just need to make sure my daddy isn’t pulled into all this mess. Can we leak some other reason for me being here?”

“Elise and I will put our heads together and get something out there. Your fans already know you made the cancellations for a family emergency. We’ll just spin something to throw them off.”

“Ugh, this is such a pain,” I groan.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got you. I’ll keep you posted. See you in a bit.”

“Um, can you have Maggie pack me a bag until my things are brought in?”

“I’ll have her pack your suitcases and we’ll bring them ahead. How’s that?”

“That would be great. Thanks, Matthew.”

“Anytime, baby girl. I’m here to help.”

I hang up the phone, happier than I’ve been in a long time. Needing to take a shower, I jump up and grab my dress to put back on until my things arrive.

As I make my way back into the master bedroom, I note how much this feels like home. This house was a labor of love. I no longer doubt Trev’s love. I don’t even blame him for what happened.

However, I am curious to know what Jess’s secret is. That woman better be clear of Texas when it comes out if it affects Trevor in anyway. I’ve never seen him as angry as he was last night.

And I’ve seen that temper get hot over the years. Knowing what I know, I can’t say I blame him, but she’s not going to get my man that angry ever again, if I have anything to say about it.

Oh, she and I will have words, that’s a promise.


“Our secret place was her home all along, wasn’t it?” Jess asks through the phone as I push the buggy around the grocery store.

“Yeah, it is. At least I’ve always wanted it to be.”

“That’s so sweet, Daddy. You sound so happy. Of course I can drive your truck over. I’m already on my way. You need me to do anything else?”

“Can you let Scoot and Bam know to be cleaned up and ready for dinner? I’ll pick them up later to take them to the house.”

“You want them to meet her? Oh my God, are you nervous? They’re going to love her,” she gushes.

“I hope so. I know this is fast?—”

“Daddy, it’s been two years since we left. Besides, you deserve to be happy. We’ll be fine.

“We all have eyes. We know you haven’t been happy. We saw how she treated you, and we can see how she treats everyone else. I think seeing you happy will trump everything,” she says.

“Thanks, Jess. I needed to hear that. Listen, I need to finish up this shopping and head back.”

“Trevor Monroe?”

I turn at the sound of my name to find two officers staring at me expectantly. My blood begins to boil already knowing what this is about. Donna is hellbent on making my life hell.

“Jess, call your uncle and have him meet me at the precinct. I’m being arrested.”




I hop out of the shower still smiling from ear to ear. I haven’t stopped singing since the water started to wash over me. As I go to put on my dress from last night, the doorbell startles me.

I grab one of the robes I saw in the bathroom and head to see if Trevor forgot the key or something. It’s a bit fast for Matthew to be here. Then again, depending on who drove, it’s not impossible.

I laugh to myself when I realize I don’t know where the front door is yet. I find myself heading in the wrong direction and turn to go the other way.

I find another staircase to head upstairs and to the foyer. Through the door glass, I can see a frazzled looking Jess. I rush forward and unlock the door to pull it open.

“Jess, is everything okay?”

“No, Daddy was arrested. I called Uncle Brad like he told me to, but I got voicemail. I don’t know what to do.