“Scoot and Bam?”
“Paige’s twin Toby is Scoot and my youngest, Johnathan, we call him Bam.”
I laugh and shake my head. “And I thought Babycakes and Pook were something.”
“I’m glad Buck never stuck,” he says.
I roar with laughter. Trevor was so buck toothed when we were younger, the name almost did take. If not for Brian Moss, it would have. Not only was he bucktoothed, but he was bucked off a horse on a field trip after being a jerk the entire day. Buck became his name from then on out.
Trevor eventually got braces, and by junior high school, I don’t believe anyone remembered the time when his smile wasn’t perfect and pearly white. I remember, and even then, he was everything to me.
“How about I bring them over for dinner? They leave for camp in two days, and I would love for you to meet them before they leave.”
“Sounds good. We better get moving. I want to see the rest of this place while I’m at it,” I say with a smile.
He grasps my throat and kisses me passionately. I moan as I wrap my arms around his neck. We keep this up, nothing is going to get done, but I can’t bring myself to pull away.
Thank goodness, he does it for me. The intensity in his eyes as he looks at me takes my breath away. My cheeks heat.
Shyly, I tug the sheet up to cover myself. Trevor chuckles and shakes his head before leaning in to kiss my forehead. I watch as he stands and collects his clothes that are in this room then begins to tug them on.
I have the perfect view of his strong, chiseled body as the morning light streams in through the huge window facing the lake. His ass is a work of art. When he turns to face me as he zips his pants, he has a huge smile on his face.
“You’ve been checking me out since last night, darlin’. Like what you see?”
“I just might,” I say with a smile.
“Good, it’s all yours.”
“In that case. I love what I see and want to see a lot more of it.”
“Oh, you’re gonna see so much you’ll be sick of me before the week is out. Text me if you need me,” he says as he comes back over to palm the back of my neck to kiss me one more time.
I sigh and fall back against the bed as he leaves the room. I get lost in my thoughts as I stare up at the ceiling. We did a lot of talking last night after a few amazing rounds of sex.
There were so many misunderstandings between us. I feel bad that he thought I had something going on with Cody. That was never the case.
Knowing he had that accident while trying to get to me broke my heart like it was yesterday. There’s so much I would change about our past, but that’s not possible.
I have hope for the future though. The way he speaks about his children is so endearing. I can feel the love he has for them. It’s clear to see why Jess loves him so much.
I jump up as the sound of the SUV leaving reaches me. My phone and purse are still in it. I get wrapped up in the covers and trip, laughing at myself as I hit the floor.
I make it into the kitchen with the sheet wrapped around me. A smile comes to my lips as I find my purse on the kitchen island waiting for me. I dig inside my bag to pull out my phone and see messages from Elise and Maggie.
I answer them quickly before calling Matthew to tell him the plan. While the phone rings, I move into the gorgeous living room. This place couldn’t be furnished better if I’d done it myself.
Everything about it says me. The colors, the accents, the airy vibe. It’s all the things I dreamed it would be.
“Hey, you all right?” Matthew answers the phone.
“Yeah, I’m great. I have a new place for us. It’s perfect,” I say as I look around.
“Hold on, let me get Elise. She’s been working on finding a place and making calls to get your dad into a facility.”
“Is that her?” I hear Elise say in the background.
“Yeah, she says she has a place for us.”
“I bet she does. Put her in speaker.”
I roll my eyes and fall back onto the couch. I sigh when I feel how comfortable it is. Like it’s just been waiting for me all this time.
“Hello, Miss Missy. Where have you been all night?”
“In the house he built for me on my lake. He built my dream home. It’s been sitting here waiting for me. We can stay here. Matthew, you and Wilson can come by and do your thing.