“Of course. I’ll pick her up after my meeting. Is there anything I can do?”

“Brace yourself. She’s coming home.”

I freeze. I know who she’s talking about. Diving into the past has opened so many wounds.

Yet, I haven’t stopped to think about what that means for the woman my heart still beats for. Instead of figuring out where my marriage went wrong, I’ve only dug up old suspicions and questions I’d brushed under the rug.

“Trev,” Agatha calls.

I breathe, just realizing I’d stopped. “Yes, ma’am.”

“All Snacks does is talk about your pending divorce. I’ve been minding the business that pays me for years. I never questioned your decisions, but what happened between you and my Babycakes has never sat right with me.

“I don’t think you should drag her into your mess, but I think you both owe each other answers. I want to say I don’t have a horse in this race, but I have a few.

“You’re all my babies and I want to see y’all happy before I close my eyes and leave this earth. I’d like to beat your wife like she owes me something, but her day is coming.”

She takes a pause and sighs. “The devil asked that girl if he could use her and she happily said yes. I know in my spirit her crimes run deep. Deeper than you can image, but that’s not my assignment.

“What I’m saying to you, Trevor Monroe, is your second chance is coming home. Are you going to take it or are you going to allow your blessing to sail by once again?”

“I hear you, ma’am.”

“Well, I’ve said my peace. I’ll drop little Miss Snacks with Cliff. You say a prayer for my Moses, now. Although the man is too darn stubborn to die on us.”

“Thank you. Call me if y’all need anything. No matter what, I’m only a phone call away.”

“I will. Talk to you later, Trev.”

“Later, Nanna.”

I hang up and stare into space. I need this divorce to happen ASAP. I’m not letting my woman walk out of my life again.

However, Nanna is right, Cakes doesn’t deserve to be pulled into the middle of this mess. Although, it’s going to take strength I’m not sure I have to stay away until it’s done. I probably would have been better off not knowing she’s coming.


You’re Family


“I just got off the phone with your aunt. She’s not in the country right now, but it seems some of your family is already heading to Texas on business. She said to let her know if you need anything from them while you’re there. You know that part of your family scares me,” Elise says and frowns with a visible shiver.

“In all honesty, I don’t think this would be my life if not for who they are. My daddy knew what he was doing when he chose New York over Nashville. I get that now.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

I drop the shirt in my hand and turn. Elise is watching me with a cautious expression on her face. I sigh and sit down on my bed. The weight of the day catching up to me.

I blow out a breath. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m not that girl anymore. I’d like to think I can handle this now. I’ve run from my home long enough.”

“And yet, I’ve booked us in a hotel,” she says with an amused smile on her lips.

“Oh hush, you know why. Besides, you have your own business to worry about. Have you called him?”

“No, I think he’s done talking. Would you look at us? I’m sure Pook is laughing at us both.”

“Only one laughing at me is that letter,” I say and point at the worn page resting on top of my things.

I took it out to build my resolve. As a reminder that Trevor wants nothing to do with me. I have no reason to seek him out or wonder about him while I’m in Texas.

Not that I’m in the business of dating married men. That letter only proves as a reminder that he made his decision and wants nothing to do with me. As long as I remember that, I’ll be fine.

“I hate that letter. Every time I see you take it out, it’s a reminder of the nineteen years you’ve been robbed of. I know I promised never to speak of him, but Cakes?—”

“Oh, no. Not now, Elise. Don’t.”

She purses her lips and I believe she’s going to let it go. The joke is on me because I know her better than that. I sigh and get ready to deal with it now because if I don’t, she’ll corner me later.

“Have you ever read it out loud to yourself?”

“Well, duh, I wrote a whole song about it.”

“Fair point. So tell me something. Can you honestly say it sounds like him?