I nervously make my way out of the garage and head for the Monroe ranch. I don’t think Jess or I breathe until we’re at least five miles away from the hotel. Thank God no one is following us.

“You look nervous. You shouldn’t be. This is the right thing to do. I know it is,” Jess says beside me.

“I hope you’re right. You shouldn’t get your hopes up too high. I’m just going to get answers. Nothing might come of this.”

“Or everything can come from this. The truth, your happiness, daddy’s happiness. Understanding,” she retorts.

I sigh but remain quiet. This girl has her mind made up. There’s nothing I can say that will change her mind.

The closer we get to the ranch, the more my heart races. A part of me wants to turn around and forget all of this. Another part wants to hurry the hell up to put me out of my misery.

As we pull up to the ranch house, a red Mercedes comes into view. Jess stiffens in her seat. I glance out the corner of my eye to see she’s frowning.

“What the heck is she doing here?” she mutters to herself as she scowls.

I park in front of the house and wait as Jess gets out. I don’t think I’m going inside. That is until Jess jumps and turns to look at the house. She pushes the door shut then turns and takes off running before I can ask her what’s wrong.

When I step out of the SUV, it becomes clear to me what got her attention. I can hear Trev’s voice from here. I run inside after Jess, feeling like I need to get to him as fast as I can.

With each step that carries me closer to Trevor’s angry voice, his words become clearer. I’m floored by what I hear. This is so wrong.


“You ready to talk?” Cliff asks as I toss back another beer.

“Nope,” I says as I slam the beer bottle back down on the table.

I’ve been here at the ranch drinking my sorrows away. I found this little radio with a CD player, and I’ve been listening to the albums I bought.

It’s almost comical. I’m finally divorced, and Lynn is here in Texas. Yet here I sit shitfaced and lost.”

“Well, you can listen.”

“I don’t want to listen to anything but these albums. I’ve got one more to get through. You can sit and listen with me or leave me be.”

Cliff sighs but he says nothing else. I sit picking at the label on my beer. I’ve listened to two of the three albums I purchased. Something told me to hold the latest album for last. I’m two songs in and I can see why.

This sounds like she’s talking to me. I pick up the CD case and flip it over to look at the track titles. Seeing “There’s a Man I Love in Texas,” I jump tracks to that song.

As I listen, it’s like I fall into a trance. I don’t know if I want to cry or smile. My girl still loves me. I can hear it in her voice. I’m not in this alone. When the next track starts, I reach to repeat the song, but something about this one gives me pause.

I look to see the name of the track and frown. “The Words that Killed.” I listen more intently.

I’m sorry to do this, but I want to consider your feelings and be honest with you.

This is never going to work.

We’re not right for each other.

I never meant to lead you on and give you false hope.

I’ve known for a while this thing between us isn’t going anywhere.

I tried to get that through to you.

I probably should have sat you down and talked to you, but I don’t know if that would have done any good.

So this is goodbye.

Please accept my wishes.

Don’t call, don’t text, don’t contact me anymore.

Those were the words that killed me?—

I never thought I’d hear them from you. But this is the truth. You’re the one who penned the words that killed me?—

My ears are burning. Rage is vibrating through me. What the fuck?

I feel like my head is going to explode. Those words were never meant for Lynn to read. Those are the words I wrote to Donna.

All these years. All this time I thought … no, I had no clue why Cakes blocked me and stopped speaking to me. I let her go because I thought it was for the best. I wanted to see her happy.

“Trevor Monroe, there you are. What’s this shit? How did you get the judge to sign this crap?

“I’m not done. I’m going to fight this. You can’t just divorce me and cut me off.

“Why won’t you answer my calls? I’ve been trying to reach you all day. I’ve searched everywhere for you,” Donna yells as she comes to stand beside me.