I would know the way my daughter walks from anywhere. She’s the taller one with the pink sweatsuit and flip flops on. Her hoodie is pulled over her head as are all the other women’s.

I lock in on the smaller figure next to her with the gray sweatsuit and hoodie pulled over her head and shades on. As she and Jess laugh and throw their head back, I know that’s my woman.

I would know that smile anywhere. I stand and get ready to move toward them, and that’s when all hell breaks loose. I’m knocked forward as a group of girls run by me.


“Oh my God, it’s her.”

“LG, LG.”

“LG, over here. The Real Texan Daily. Can we get a few questions?”

“What brings you to Texas?” Another shouts.

“Why haven’t you been back in all these years?”

“Is it true your home for love? Who is he?”

The men with Cakes and her group snap into action. Jess looks like a dear in headlights. I push forward to get to her, but one of the guys shields her and moves her with the rest of the group after she’s nearly trampled.

I’m blocked by hotel security before I can follow after them. I sigh and turn back, not wanting to make this harder for Jess, Cakes, or her team. All at once, it settles in that this isn’t the woman I lost nineteen years ago.

She’s a star, and this is her life. I begin to think of all the things that have changed for her. I remember how hard things were for Brad when he returned to Texas and found his family.

His and Tam’s lives were turned upside down. I can’t help but wonder if it’s too late for us. I have four teenagers.

Maybe I’m the delusional one, thinking we could go back to the way things were. I head back to my truck and toss the cupcakes into the passenger seat feeling like a fool. Cakes probably has men bringing her diamonds and buying her homes and cars. I show up with fucking cupcakes I made with my fourteen-year-old.

I climb into the driver’s seat and place my head in my hands. This is the one time I think I need to let go of my stubborn streak. We might be too far apart to get back there—to us.

I pull my phone and blink through the moisture in my eyes as I text Jess to ensure she’s okay. Looking out at the hotel entrance, I shake my head. The crowd has only increased, and media vans are starting to pull up.

We are definitely worlds apart.


Talk To Him


I’m annoyed with myself. Matthew and Wilson warned me it was time to move and change locations. I think the real reason I was reluctant to is Jess.

All this time I’ve felt like she’s needed me here. The truth is, I’ve needed her just as much. Now we’re stuck here in this hotel suite until Wilson, Matthew, and Elise find us a new place and a way out.

“This didn’t happen by chance. One of your employees did this. You’ve compromised the safety of my artist and her guest. I’ll be talking to your cooperate office. We will never use another of your establishments,” Matthew bellows at the hotel manager who came up to the room.

“Sir, please. I understand you’re upset. I’m already investigating the matter. Our guests’ confidentiality is very important to us. I plan to comp your room for the next few nights.” The manager looks over at Jess.

“Miss Monroe, I would like to question you when you’re available,” the manager says with heat in her eyes.

I stand, getting ready to tell her off, but Matthew steps in before I can. I have never seen him so angry. His face has turned all sorts of red.

“Why on earth would you need to question her? She was the one almost trampled because someone on your staff opened their mouth to tell that Miss Galveston is here.

“She’s a guest of Miss Galveston’s and if you ask me, it was jealousy over that fact that this stemmed from. Jess has only ever been here on her time off. She’s important to Miss Galveston, and that’s why she’s here.

“If I so much as think she’s being mistreated or reprimanded for her interaction with any of our party, I will have a lawsuit filed against y’all so fast, your successor’s head will spin. Don’t think about trying me either. I don’t make threats, I make promises.

“Now get out. You people have done enough. I have arrangements to make,” he bites out and storms off, leaving the poor woman looking lost and ready to soil her pants.

She turns to see herself out and I reclaim my seat. I’m fuming and need a moment to think. I don’t want to go to another hotel. The best thing would be to rent a property. It may be an inconvenience getting back and forth to the hospital. Although, now that it’s known I’m in Texas, I might not be able to slip in and out of the hospital as I have been, thanks to Dr. Curry.