“Pull yourself together,” I say sternly.

I take a deep breath and begin to put my clothes back on. I’m grateful for my hoodie and shades. I still need a bit more time to pull myself together.


“Hello,” Jess answers her phone as I call.

“Hey, darlin’. Did you have to work today? You were gone when I came in for lunch,” I say into the line.

“Oh, no. I’m out shopping with friends. I got a new dress for my birthday,” she says happily.

“That’s good. You sound like you’re having fun. I’ll talk to you when you get home,” I say, not wanting to spoil her time.

I’ve been worried about Jess, but she’s seemed happier in the last few days. I’m glad she’s making friends at school. Jess is a lot like Pook. She welcomes anyone as a friend and wants to make everyone feel welcome.

However, she’s shy. I was concerned with how that would translate in college and the real world. I should’ve known she’d make it work. Looking down at the cupcake holder in front of me, my thoughts go back to how to get it to Cakes.

I had thought Jess might be at work and I could drop them off there. My other option is to camp out in the lobby of the hotel. It’s a long shot, but it might be my only option.

“Um, daddy?” Jess says before I can hang up.

“Yeah, baby girl?”

“Um, if I wanted a locket like yours, where would I get one?”

I chuckle. “I had this one made special for someone while in Paris a long, long time ago.”

“Do you think she still wears it?”

I pause to think for a moment. “It would give me hope if she still does.”

“So someone you care about has the other half?”

“Someone I love very much has the other half. Maybe I can have one made for your birthday. Do you have someone special you want to give the other half to? It better not be Keith,” I tease.

“It’s not Keith, Daddy,” she giggles. “It’s someone I want to know how much they’ve meant to me. Someone who didn’t deserve to be fooled. Um, Daddy, I need to go. My friends are waiting for me.”

“Okay, baby. We’ll talk about it more later. I love you, baby girl.”

“I know. I love you too. You’re a great dad. No matter what, you should aways remember that,” she says, her voice filled with emotions.

I want to ask what’s wrong. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt like I’m missing something. However, I don’t want to hold her up if her friends are waiting.

“Jess, you know you can always come to me, right? No matter what, I’m always here,” I say, unable to let it go.

“Jess, we need to get going,” someone calls in the background.

“I’m coming Miss Elise. Tell Auntie Cakes I just want this,” Jess says away from the phone.

“You sure? She’ll get all the rest if you want. Just give me your fav pile. She wants to treat you for your grades,” I hear the woman in the background say.

“Okay, thanks. I’m just going to finish up my call with my daddy and I’ll be right out, promise.” Some shuffling happens before Jess returns to the call. “Hello, Daddy. I’m sorry. I know I can talk to you. I promise I’m okay. I just have a lot on my mind. I’ll come to you when I have it all sorted out. I love you. I have to go. Later.”

The line cuts before I can say anything else. She’s with Lynn. My curiosity is piqued. This is the second time I know of that she’s been with Lynn.

Then it hits me—if they are out shopping, they have to return to the hotel. Maybe waiting in the lobby or hotel bar isn’t a bad idea. With a grin, I pick up the cupcake holder and start for my truck.

I can’t wait to see her face. It’s going to be a fight to keep my hands to myself, but I know I need to set eyes on her.


I sit nervous as a schoolboy waiting for his prom date to come down the stairs. The cupcake holder sitting in my lap as my sweaty palms rest on the sides of my thighs.

“Do you think it’s true?” A young girl says on the other side of the seating area I’m sitting at.

“I hope so. I just want a picture.”

“Don’t worry, it’s true. My source works here.”

My ears perk up. I’m starting to get the feeling I’m not the only one waiting for Cakes to arrive. Her team is good. She’s been in this hotel for two weeks and the area hasn’t been buzzing about it. That means people still don’t know.

Just as I think to move to the bar, a group moves into the front door. A big guy holding bags leads them in. Then four women follow with more bags as another big guy bring up the rear holding more shopping bags in his hands.