“Jess, you know you can come to me when you need money. You don’t have to work so hard. Focus on school. I can handle the rest for you.”

“I like working and taking care of myself. Besides, you have enough going on. I’ll let you know when I truly need help.”

I pull up in front of the hotel she’ll be calling her new job. I park and take a look at my baby girl in her new uniform. She smiles back at me with those Monroe dimples.

I lean over to kiss the top of her head. I may hate her mama, but I love my kids. Jess and I are extra close because for a while it was just the two of us. This was my little buddy from the beginning.

Wherever I went, Jess went right along with me. I still remember the day I packed our things ready to leave her mama behind. If only I could turn back time.

I shake the thought off. “You go show them what we Monroes are made of. I’m proud of you, Jess.”

“I love you, Daddy. Thanks for the ride and the money.”

“You’re welcome, sugar.”

She pauses and searches my face with her gaze. I can’t help wondering what’s going on in her head. A pained expression comes to her face.


“What’s going on, Jess?”

She purses her lips as they tremble. I knit my brows in concern. In one breath, she pulls it together, shaking her head.

“Are you happy?”

I force a smile. “Whenever I’m with you or sister and brothers, I am.”

A determined look flashes in her eyes. I’m not sure what’s going on with her, but it makes me want to tell her I’m not dropping her back at her Mama’s.

“I believe everything is about to change for us. No matter what, we deserve to be happy. Especially you, Daddy. You’ve always been my best friend.”

She leans to kiss my cheek one more time before she goes. I go to stop her to find out what’s really on her mind, but the time on the dashboard catches my attention.

I don’t want to be late and give Donna and her lawyer any more room to bullshit and wiggle. When my six weeks are up, this marriage is over.

“Reconcile, my ass,” I bite out and pull off.


Twin Talent


The alarm calling for the end of the session goes off, pulling me from the past. I blink and look around the room as I come back to the present. Pain I haven’t allowed myself to feel for years slices through me.

“Thank you so much for sharing, Trevor. That was a great start. I look forward to deep-diving some more in our next session. This was real progress,” Dr. Winsor says.

My phone buzzes before I can say what I really feel. I look down and see it’s Brad. He’s in town for a bit.

I’m supposed to be meeting with him after this session. My boys spent the weekend with him, and he has someone he wants me to talk to. I’m thinking of expanding my construction company to New York.

In order to do that, I need to have some connections and friends in high places. Brad has made a lot of those in the last two years. My little brother has made some big moves and I’m proud of him.

I freeze for a moment as I consider why I targeted New York for the expansion. I never thought of who’s in New York other than Brad and his family. Have I subconsciously been …

Naw, I shake the thought off. I closed that door a long time ago. I did what was best for Cakes.

I left her alone. She didn’t need my baggage and bullshit. When my daddy told me to do the right thing, I took that as him saying to own up to what I’d done in my anger.

I wanted to be a better man, so I didn’t try to find out why Cakes had blocked my calls. I locked my heart away and buried the happiest time of my life.

I shake my thoughts off and read the text from my brother. It’s better I stay in the here and now. It took a long time to let all hope of a life with Lynn go.

Brad: Out front.

Me: Be right there.

“Caleb, can I speak to you for a moment?” Dr. Winsor says as all the men in the room get up to make a run for it.

“Ma’am, my brother is outside waiting for me,” Caleb answers.

I look over at the huge blond. The big guy has always been quiet. In the last few sessions I’ve been to, he’s pretty much kept to himself.

“This will only take a second,” Dr. Winsor replies.

He nods and moves to her side. I collect my water bottle and head out. I don’t want to keep Brad or the others waiting. I could stand to eat, so this lunch will be right on time.