“Can you talk to Trev?”

I roll my eyes. “Daddy, not this again.”

I’m starting to get tired of this. It’s the same thing every day. I swear, I think he made himself sick to get me here.

“Let me ask you one thing,” he says.

“If it means you’ll hand over the key. Fine.”

“Babycakes, what would Pook do?”

Tears burn the backs of my eyes. I wasn’t expecting that. My lips tremble from the low blow.

Shaking my head, I stand and grab my things. I can’t even look at him. I walk out and move so quickly to get to the elevator, Wilson nearly has to jog to keep up.

I’m done here for today. There’s but so much I can take. If only he knew about that letter, he’d back off and see Trevor for who he really is.


“Trevor, I’d like to speak with you before you leave,” Dr. Winsor calls as I stand to leave.

I’ve spilled my soul once again. Allowing this woman and these men to listen in on me process my foul marriage and how Donna was never the one I wanted in the first place.

“Yes, ma’am. You wanted to speak to me?”

“Yes, I wanted to talk to you about the couple’s sessions. From what I’m hearing, you’re not ready to engage your wife. However, her legal team has been applying pressure for you two to begin them.

“I wanted to know how you would feel about possible phone sessions. They would be once a week. I think?—”

“Let me stop you there. I agreed to do these sessions. Actually, that’s a darn lie. I was forced to do this. However, that judge didn’t say anything about me having to communicate with that woman.

“I’m here. I’m doing the work and I’m proving this is over. The first step is admitting the problem. Ma’am, and my soon-to-be-ex-wife is the problem,” I seethe as I cut her off.

She nods. “I understand. This isn’t an easy process, and I thank you for doing the work. My main goal is for you to feel whole no matter what you decide to do in the end.

“I will deal with her representation. See Parker for your voucher for today. I’ve already signed off.”

I purse my lips and bob my head. I hate those damn vouchers. They make me feel like a kid who need his permission slip signed. I swear, I’m over Donna trying to emasculate me at every turn.


Hearing the Truth


I sit nervously at my desk in the lecture hall of my class. I haven’t been able to get what I overheard out of my head. I don’t want to believe my mother is that evil. Maybe I heard things wrong.

There’s no way she ruined so many lives like it was nothing. I have to find out the truth. I didn’t lie to Daddy about the project for my class. However, the testing part was optional.

I wasn’t going to do it. Then I overheard Mama and Cousin Corinne arguing that morning before Daddy picked me up to take me to my first day at work.

The things Cousin Corinne said made my stomach turn. I have questioned everything since. My head has been a mess, which is why I haven’t gone to see Miss Cakes yet.

I don’t want to mess this opportunity up because I can’t stay focused. My heart has been so heavy. If I heard them right, that means I have no idea who I am.

I feel lost, confused, and betrayed. I can’t imagine how Daddy is going to feel. My father has been everything to me since I was a little girl. We did everything together.

This information threatens everything I know. It will change my life if it’s true. I can’t help wondering if my Daddy will hate me.

As I stare off into space, their words come back to me full force. It’s as if I’m stand right outside the kitchen once again.

“Donna, you owe me. I’m tired of you making promises and not keeping your word,” Cousin Corinne hissed as I walked toward the kitchen to grab a banana for breakfast before Daddy arrived to pick me up.

“Will you hush? Quiet down. Jess is here,” Mama hissed back.

“Good, maybe I should tell her who her real daddy is. Nineteen years, Donna. That’s how long you’ve kept me waiting. Always some damn excuse. Meanwhile, you’re never in short supply of the finer things in life.

“You need to pay up. I need the money. My husband can’t work, and things are starting to get tight. You need to do right by me.”

“If you don’t shut the hell up. You idiot. You could ruin everything with your big, fat mouth.”

“I wonder what those Monroes would think. You didn’t just screw over Trevor. Wait until her real father finds out.

“I’m giving you until her birthday. That little party Trev has planned for Jess will be the perfect opportunity to say what needs to be said. I’m going right to that ranch to spill everything to his entire family.”