Otherwise, I might have known these two were already here. My father’s youngest sister ran off to New York as soon as she was old enough to. It was only supposed to be for a visit, but she met her husband there while he was in town visiting with his family.

The rest is history. She married into deep pockets and it’s her connections that gave me my shot at my career. I have a ton of cousins from that side. However, this big guy before me is my favorite.

He has never allowed me to get a big head about my music. In fact, he makes fun of me all the time, telling me I sound like a drowning rat.

I know he’s only teasing because his eyes always light up with his taunting. Like now, as he sees me, he stands and opens his arms with that big old smile on his face. I rush into his embrace.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Aunt Cyn called and told me what happened. I came to check in on your dad and see if there’s anything I can do while I’m here,” he replies.

I pull back and look up into his brown eyes. I guess you would call them hazel. A dark hazel at that. The green flecks hide with his moods. Unlike his sister with her green eyes.

“It’s good to see you. Thanks for coming,” I say.

Nate releases me, and Rita tugs me into her embrace. I give her a tight squeeze. We may all live in New York, but I don’t think I’ve seen them since Nate’s wedding.

“It’s been too long,” Nate says and pats me on the back.

“I know. Your girls and that little guy must be so big by now.”

A huge smile takes over his face. “You have to see them. We’ll be here for a while. Not far from the family ranch. You know the Billings ranch, right?”

“Yeah, I know it.”

“Is your family here too? I would love to see that cute little girl and your son,” I say to Rita.

She smiles. “Yeah, my little crew is here.”

My cousin is a busy man. Now that he has that beautiful family, he hasn’t been to my shows like he used to. Nate and I grew close because his dad used to rent out acres of the ranch for training his assets during the summers.

I used to be so interested in the transformation that would happen while they were there, and then it was like they never were. Uncle Thomas is the reason I have a black belt. Pook and I started training with them the summer Nate started coming along.

Nate has me by seven years, but Rita is three years younger than me. I was three summers in before she began to join. I’m not hard core like them, but I can hold my own.

“Y’all would have a family reunion while I’m cooped up in here,” Daddy says with a humph.

“Daddy, we’re not having a party without you,” I chuckle.

“Whatever.” He waves.

“Uncle Moses, we’re going to head out. I need to get to a meeting. Think about my offer, and take care of yourself. I want to see you home and healthy before I leave Texas.”

“I heard you, boy. I’ll think about it.”

“See you later, Uncle Moses. I’ll come by soon to check on you again,” Rita says and moves to kiss his cheek.

“Bring me a burger, why don’t you.”

“That would be a no,” Rita snickers.

“Then go on get your big head out of here. You don’t have to come back.”

“Daddy,” I chide.

He folds his arms across his chest and starts to mumble to himself. Nate chuckles and kisses my cheek. Rita gives me another hug before she follows her brother out.

I take a seat and look at my father with narrowed eyes. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t just catch that little conversation with Nate. My father starts to move his gaze around, looking at anything but me.

“What offer was he talking about?”

“None of your business. Your mama told me you think you’re running things. Sticking your nose in my business. I can run my own darn ranch,” he grumbles.

“Daddy, I’m here to help. Stop fighting me.”

He snaps his gaze to me and glares. “Lynn Darlene Galveston, when did I ask you for your help? You won’t do the one thing I’ve asked you to do, but you’ve been all in my business since you arrived.”

“Why are you like this?” I groan.

“The boy wants to start renting the ranch again like his daddy used to do. Something about new trainees or something. He offered thinking this will affect my bottom line,” he says waves a hand over himself.

“Oh, that’s nice of him. I want to look over the books. Mama says you keep them locked away. Can you give me the key?”