“I asked Daddy about his locket and wanted one to give you. It has a picture of us on one side and a lock of my baby hair on the other. I wanted you to know how special you have always been to me.

“I’m a bit confused right now, but I hope you’ll let me call you daddy someday. I was hoping you’d wear the locket as a reminder that no matter what I call you, you’re my daddy in my heart,” Jess says.

Cliff pulls the chain from the box and places it around his neck. “You can call me whatever you want whenever you want. I’m never taking this off. They’ll be putting me in the ground with it,” he chokes out.


Whole Again


“Where is she?” I demand as I rush into the private medical center Lynn was rushed to.

She collapsed on stage. This was her last concert of the tour before she returns home to me. When I got the call, I hopped right on the plane Tasha had waiting for me.

I’m so grateful her last show was here in Califorina. She was surrounded by people I trust. My heart is racing.

“Right in here,” the nurse says as she points me to an examination room.

I find Lynn munching on crackers with a smile on her face. I move to her side lightening fast. She gives me that big old smile as she looks up at me.

“Well, there’s the stallion,” Roni sings as I stop by the bedside and cup Lynn’s face. “I’ll step out and get the doctor.”

“What’s going on? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Actually, I’m more than fine. You, on the other hand, might want to have a seat.”

“Good evening, folks. You must be Mr. Monroe. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr. John Nobi, this is my colleague, Dr. Omid V-Shah. If you don’t mind, he will be sitting in as this an extremely rare case.”

“Is she all right? Please tell me what’s going on.”

“She fine. We’ll do an ultrasound and explain. First, let me congratulate you. Miss. Galveston is about four months pregnant. Technically.”

“Technically, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Can I tell him? I want to tell him?” Lynn says excitedly as her eyes light up.

“Someone tell me something now.”

Dr. Nobi chuckles. “Sure, you can do the honors.”

“It’s called Superfetation. You knocked me up twice. I’m super fertile and you have super sperm or something like that,” she says excitedly.


“Honey, I knew twins ran in your family, but you were just showing off,” she teases.

“If you look here, you’ll see baby A. Baby A is a few weeks more developed than baby B and C,” Dr. Nobi says.

“Well, damn,” I breathe as I slowly turn to face Lynn.

She looks so happy. I have so many questions. My head is spinning.

“You’re not happy?”

“Darlin’, I think I’m in shock. Wait, is this safe for them? Her and the babies?”

“It will be perfectly safe for mother. Baby B and C are at risk to be born prematurely because of baby A. However, we can talk about risk management options, or you can wait to talk to your care provider. We’ll be happy to help in any way we can,” Dr. V-Shah says.

“You got any whiskey?”

“Oh, come on now, Trev,” Lynn laughs.

I move to press my forehead to hers. I knew our love was strong, but damn. My chest swells with pride.

“As long as she’s gonna be okay, I’m happy. I love you, darlin’. Let’s get you guys home.”




Two and a half years later…

The Eiffel Tower’s lights are dancing outside the window as I sit back in my chair with my legs propped up and my little girl on my chest. Brooklyn Valentina Monique Monroe already has me wrapped around her pinky.

Cole thinks we named her after him. Lynn doesn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise. Although she was named after her two aunts in New York who spoil her any chance they get.

My little Twinkle is my first and only child who doesn’t have my eyes. Hers are brown like her mama’s. They light up her pretty little face and charge a room no matter the color.

That’s where her nickname comes from. Bird and Doc, aka Brandon Moses Samuel Monroe and Clifton Travis Vernon Monroe earned their nicknames as well. We call Brandon Bird because he eats like one.

Even when he was breastfeeding, he was always the one to finish first. Doc earned his name from always checking on people to see if they’re okay. Especially his mama. Let that woman stub her toe.

That boy stops what he’s doing to check it out and make sure her boo-boo is taken care of. That’s my sweet boy. I have four good boys.

“Daddy, you want me to take her?”

I look up to find Scoot. I’m still not used to how deep his voice is getting. I always have to look twice to see who’s talking to me as both he and Bam have had drops in their voices.