“Oh my God. It’s you. My daddy loves your music. He used to play it all the time when I was a little girl.

“I look at your pictures all the time at Nanna’s house. I mean, she’s not my nanna, she’s yours, but she’s practically raised me like one of her own. I’ve called her Nanna all my life.

“You’re so pretty in person. Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m talking to Lynn Galveston. I’ve always wanted to meet you.

“I don’t think Daddy has heard your last album, but I have. Some of my greatest memories are of my daddy dancing with me in his arms while singing your music.

“I miss that. I’ve always wanted to be a singer like you, but I don’t think I have what it takes. I’m a bit shy, so I’m going to school to be a teacher.

“Oh my God, why can’t I stop talking? Ma’am I’m so sorry. Please don’t report me. This is my first day, and I really do love you,” the girl rambles as her face turns bright red.

I’m assuming the frown on my face is why she’s finally clamped her mouth shut. I’m not frowning at her, but at the fact that I’ve walked right into a nightmare. I know just who her daddy is. She has those damn Monroe dimples. If not for the green in them, she almost has the Monroe eyes.

The midnight blue around the outsides that bleed into turquoise and then into a light blue around the irises. However, hers become greenish blue where the light blue should be. Dear Lord, who did I piss off.

I’m trying to process everything she has said, but my head is spinning. Pain consumes me like flames of a fire. I want to back away and head for a plane back home.

“Hey, sugar. Can you not tell anyone that Miss Galveston is here? The suite is booked under Mr. Matthew Ericson. It’s been a long trip for Miss Galveston, and she’s here for a family emergency. Can we get her to her room?” Maggie says sweetly.

“Yes, ma’am. Again, I’m very sorry. Wait, family emergency?” she gasps.

I clear my throat. “Yes, my father had a stroke,” I say not knowing why I say this. The look of worry in her eyes tugs at something in me.

Tears fill her eyes. She purses her trembling lips. I watch her more closely. You would think I told her that her own grandfather had fallen ill.

“Here’s your keys. I’m so sorry to hear about Pop-pop. Excuse me,” she says and clears her throat. “I’m sorry to hear about your father. I’ve been working a double. I didn’t know.”

“Thank you.” I look at her name tag. “Jessica, don’t worry about it. You’re doing fine. I’m sure your daddy would be proud.”

“You can call me Jess, ma’am. If you need anything, let me know. I’m new but I’m resourceful. I hope everything is okay with Pop-po— I mean, your father.”

“Thank you, Jess. You’ll have to sing for me before I go home,” I say and wink at her.

“That would be so awesome,” she whispers with wide eyes.

The way her sweet face lights up, I can’t help but smile back at her. I stumble away to the elevator, feeling like I’ve walked into the Twilight Zone. I’ve just met Trevor’s baby.


“Hey, baby girl. How was your first day?” I ask as Jess climbs into my truck.

“It was fine,” Jess murmurs. “I’m ready for bed.”

I need a drink after the day I’ve had, but I have to hold it together until after I pick Jess up and get her back to her Mama’s house. I pray to God I don’t have to deal with that woman tonight.

My blood pressure can’t take it. I could give a hundred reasons for me not to stay married but can’t come up with one for why I should stay. The woman has been annoying me all day.

“Daddy, did you hear that Pop-pop Moses had a stroke or something?”

“I did. Agatha had to drop Snacks off with Cliff so she could head over to the hospital,” I reply.

“Can you give me a ride to the hospital tomorrow before my shift?”

I’ve been debating all day about heading there myself. Knowing there’s a chance I could run into Cakes, I don’t know how I feel about chancing a visit. Again, for the millionth time today, my thoughts go to Uri’s offer.

I don’t know how long Lynn will be here. This meeting needs to happen before she disappears. Still, I don’t know what I will say.

I owe that woman one hell of an apology. My heart squeezes as I think of all we’ve lost. I shake the thoughts off and turn my attention back to my daughter.

“Sure, I’ll pick you up in the morning. Did you eat? You want me to stop somewhere, and we can get a bite together?”